Jeremy Hunt urged to introduce electric car tax sooner – ‘should be put on immediately’

A new poll of readers has found widespread support for electric vehicles having to pay road tax from 2025, with some arguing it should be introduced sooner.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Autumn Statement: Hunt on electric vehicle tax

Chancellor Jeremey Hunt announced last week that all emission-free vehicles will have to pay Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) otherwise known as road tax from April 2025. This means that electric vehicles (EVs) will no longer be exempt, a move backed by most readers.

In his Autumn Statement, on Thursday, November 17, he told the House of Commons: “To make our motoring tax system fairer, I've decided that electric vehicles will no longer be exempt from Vehicle Excise Duty.

“Company car tax rates will remain lower for electric vehicles and I've listened to industry bodies and we'll limit rate increases to one percentage point a year for three years from 2025.”

The plans mean that EVs registered from April 2025, will have to pay the lowest rate of £10 in the first year, increasing the standard annual rate of £165. The standard rate will also apply to all EVs registered after April 2017.

The Treasury added: “The shift to Electric Vehicles is continuing at pace as the UK moves to net zero.  Therefore from 2025, road tax will be introduced for EVs so all motorists begin to pay a fair share.   Support for charging infrastructure is continuing.”

READ MORE: Jeremy Hunt imposes VED on electric cars in major blow for EV owners

Jeremy Hunt EV on charge

Electric vehicles will no longer be exempt from paying road tax from 2025 (Image: Getty)

In response, ran a poll from 8am on Saturday, November 19, to 1:30pm on Monday, November 21, asking readers: “Do you support new tax on electric cars?”

In total, 3,850 people cast their votes with the vast majority, 87 percent (3,356 people), answering “yes” in favour of EVs being taxed.

A further 13 percent (483 people) said “no” against the tax, while 11 people said they did not know.

Hundreds of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers shared their views on electric cars being eligible for VED.

The majority of readers argued in favour of the tax, with username John preston writing that “taxing electric vehicles is fair and equitable”.

Username blimps said: “Yes, everything on the road should pay road tax.”

Similarly, username Anon1000 wrote: “They use the road so should have to pay the road tax.”

And username zee9 said: “OK electric cars are better for the environment, but they still cause wear and tear on our roads just like petrol and diesel vehicles.”

Electric car tax

All EVs registered after April 2017 will have to pay the standard annual rate of £165 (Image: Getty)

Meanwhile, some readers argued that the move should be implemented sooner. Username jetski4465 commenting: “the sooner the better.”

Username yougottastandup said: “Yes. The tax should start at the beginning of next year, not 2025. What are they waiting for!”

Likewise, username Bobby Lobster wrote: “It should be put on immediately, not in 2025.”

While username skipper added: “Do it now, not in three years’ time.”


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UK cars by registration infographic

More than one million EVs are on the UK’s roads (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

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However, others commented that the move would discourage Britons from making the switch to greener vehicles. 

Username shutupayouface1 supported the introduction but acknowledged: “We still need the driving population to be on board with the phased low to nil emissions philosophy working towards zero carbon output.”

Similarly, president of the AA, Edmund King said: “This may delay the environmental benefits and stall the introduction of EVs onto the second-hand car market. Unfortunately, the Chancellor's EV taxation actions will dim the incentive to switch to electric vehicles.”

And Tim Slatter, UK chairman of Ford, described the move as “short-sighted”. He explained: “We are still many years from the ‘tipping point’ when electric vehicles will reach cost parity with petrol and diesel vehicles. Until then, we should be incentivising customers to make the greener choice.”

However, head of policy at RAC, Nicholas Lyes, claimed that he did not expect the move to change the demand for EVs. He said: “After many years of paying no car tax at all, it's probably fair the Government gets owners of electric vehicles to start contributing to the upkeep of major roads from 2025.

“Vehicle excise duty rates are unlikely to be a defining reason for vehicle choice, so we don't expect this tax change to have much of an effect on dampening the demand for electric vehicles given the many other cost benefits of running one.”

More than one million EVs are on the UK’s roads with around 15 percent of new vehicles sold in 2022 run on batteries, according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders.

The majority of petrol and diesel vehicles pay the standard rate of VED and if the exemption for EVs continued, it could result in a £1billion loss by the middle of the next decade.

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