POLL: Give us your verdict on 7 major takeaways from Kwasi Kwarteng's mini-budget

Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng outlined changes to income tax and stamp duty among other new measures to ease the cost of living crisis.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Mini-Budget: Kwasi Kwarteng announces cut in stamp duty

Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng delivered his mini-budget to MPs on Friday morning. But what do you think of the new financial measures? Share your throughts in our poll.

Mr Kwarteng has unveiled a series of changes in what he claims to be the biggest tax cuts in a generation to help support Britons with the spiralling cost of living. He began his address by discussing the rising cost of energy and introducing new measures, following warnings that household bills could reach as high as £6,500 next year.


He set out that the energy price guarantee will limit household bills and introduce an equivalent relief scheme for businesses.

The energy support package is expected to cost around £60billion for the six months from October.

In addition to this he set out a series of measures to support Britons, yet unlike other budget announcements, no analysis by the Office for Budget Responsibility has been released.

 READ MORE: Income tax rate for highest earners axed as Kwasi abolishes 45% levy

Kwasi Kwarteng

Share your thoughts on Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-budget (Image: Getty and SKY NEWS)

Do you agree in bankers' bonus cap being removed?

Rules which limit bankers’ bonuses have also been scrapped with a new package of regulations to be set out later this autumn.

Mr Kwarteng defended his decision saying: “A strong UK economy has always depended on a strong financial services sector. We need global banks to create jobs here, invest here, and pay taxes here in London, not Paris, not Frankfurt, not New York.

“All the bonus cap did was to push up the basic salaries of bankers, or drive activity outside Europe. It never capped total remuneration, so let’s not sit here and pretend otherwise.”

So what do YOU think? Is Kwasi Kwarteng right to vow to bring in new rules on transport unions? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

Is it right to cancel corporation tax hike?

Mr Kwartang cancelled the rise in corporation tax, which was due to increase from 19 percent to 25 percent in April 2023.

He said: “We will have the lowest rate of corporation tax in the G20. This will plough almost £19 billion a year back into the economy.”

So what do YOU think? Is it right to cancel the corporation tax hike? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

Do you agree in the stamp duty cut?

The Chancellor also announced that stamp duty on property sales would cut in England and Northern Ireland immediately.

He revealed that the threshold for stamp duty would be raised to £250,000, and to £425,000 for first-time buyers, and explained: “The steps we’ve taken today mean 200,000 more people will be taken out of paying stamp duty altogether. This is a permanent cut to stamp duty, effective from today."

So what do YOU think? Do you agree in the stamp duty cut? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

READ MORE: Kwasi Kwarteng cuts stamp duty - 200,000 to be taken out of paying tax

Income tax across Europe ranked

Income tax across Europe ranked (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Kwasi Kwarteng slashes income tax, cuts stamp duty and lays out £60bn energy bailout

Newly appointed Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng has announced billions in spending and tax cuts as he proposes a "new era for Britain".

The Chancellor's speech focused on "bold and unashamed" economic growth to make wage packets bigger for Britain's workers.

What does it mean for you? Find out HERE.

Is it right to cut basic rate of income tax to 19 percent and abolish the 45% higher tax rate?

He also announced a cut in basic income tax to 19 percent from April 2023 – down from the current 20 percent paid by English, Welsh and Northern Irish people on annual earning between £12,571 to £50,270.

Mr Kwarteng said: “That means a tax cut for over 31m people in just a few months’ time. That means we will have one of the most competitive and pro-growth income tax systems in the world.”

In addition, the higher rate of income tax of 45 percent for earners over £150,000 was abolished with a singular 40 percent rate being used from April next year.

He said: “This will simplify the tax system and make Britain more competitive.

"It will reward enterprise and work. It will incentivise growth. It will benefit the whole economy and the whole country.”

So what do YOU think? Is it right to cut basic rate of income tax to 19 percent and abolish the 45% higher tax rate? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

READ MORE: Income tax rate for highest earners axed as Kwasi abolishes 45% levy

Are planning restrictions too rigid?

Mr Kwarteng also shared the Government’s plans to create investment zones with relaxed planning regulations to boost growth.

He also pledged to remove barriers to building new infrastructure by streamlining environmental assessments and removing EU-derived laws.

So what do YOU think? Are planning restrictions too rigid? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.


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Couple looking at laptop

Planning restrictions will be streamlined (Image: Getty)

Is Kwasi right to vow to bring in new rules to restrict transport unions?

The Chancellor also announced that measures would be introduced to reduce disruptive strike action.

He said that it is “simply unacceptable” for strike action to be so disruptive, adding: “We will legislate to require unions to put pay offers to a member vote to ensure strikes can only be called once negotiations have genuinely broken down.”

So what do YOU think? Is Kwasi right to vow to bring in new rules to restrict transport unions? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

Rail workers on strike

The Chancellor also announced new measures to reduce disruptive strike action (Image: Getty)

Is Kwasi right to bring in VAT-free shopping for overseas visitors?

Mr Kwarteng also revealed that overseas visitors would be entitled to VAT-free shopping.

In a move to boost the retail sector, he told the Commons: “We have decided to introduce VAT-free shopping for overseas visitors…And this will be in place as soon as possible.”

So what do YOU think? Is Kwasi right to bring in VAT-free shopping for overseas visitors? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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