PIP: Citizens Advice issues 'important warning' - take note or claim could be rejected

PERSONAL INDEPENDENCE PAYMENTS can potentially provide disabled Britons with over £8,000, but for some the daunting assessment is enough to deter them.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Disability action group leader speaks at cladding protest

Getting the benefit can be a lifeline, which is why heeding an "important" alert from Citizens Advice is crucial. A "warning" notice on the website states: "You must go to your assessment otherwise your will be rejected and you’ll have to start the application process all over again."

If a person can't make their appointment or has already missed it, they are directed to contact the assessment provider straight away.

The charity added: "If you’ve a good reason for not going they may reschedule it. The number to contact is on your appointment letter.

"There are no rules on what is a good reason for missing an assessment but the DWP should take into account your health and things that may affect you like a family bereavement."

In the event a PIP claim is rejected because the person missed their assessment, it's possible to ask the to change this decision. Claimants must have been given at least seven days' written notice of the assessment date - unless they agreed to a shorter period.

PIP is a non-means tested benefit, meaning the only aspect that is taken into account to decide one’s eligibility is their disability or condition and how it affects their life.


Man in a wheelchair filling out paperwork

Britons can have a support person attend the assessment with them (Image: GETTY)

is a non-means tested benefit, meaning the only aspect that is taken into account to decide one’s eligibility is their disability or condition and how it affects their life.

Because of this, the assessment to claim PIP can be particularly difficult for some, but Citizen’s Advice has completed a comprehensive guide to prepare Britons.

To be eligible for PIP, Britons must be:

  • Aged 16 or over
  • Below the state pension age
  • Have a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability 
  • Have difficulty doing everyday tasks or getting around
  • Expect these difficulties to last for a minimum of 12 months from when they started.

Applicants will usually be asked to have an assessment as part of their application for PIP, unless they have a terminal illness.


Visually impaired person walking with someone on a train platform

Claimants who attend in-person assessments may be questioned on how they got to the assessment (Image: GETTY)

This assessment is not intended to diagnose or be a medical examination, but rather just to evaluate how one’s existing conditions or disabilities affects them. 

These assessments usually determine the rate of which aspects Britons will be awarded. 

PIP is split into two aspects, the daily living part which is for those that have difficulties with everyday tasks and the mobility part which provides for those that have difficulties getting around. 

Britons do not necessarily need a physical disability to claim the mobility aspect, and each aspect has a higher and lower weekly rate that can be awarded. 

Receiving the higher rate of both aspects can award Britons with £8,158.80 per year. 

It is vital that Britons provide the medical evidence required in their application to verify that they have the conditions, illnesses or disabilities they are claiming for. 

At the moment, the is doing many assessments via phone or video call, but when this is not possible applicants will be invited to an in-person assessment.

Britons can have someone with them during the assessment if they require assistance.

This support person has to be aged 16 or over, and they are allowed to take part in the discussion or take notes on the claimant's behalf.

They do not necessarily need to be a relative or carer, it can be whoever helps the claimant feel most comfortable. 

Citizens Advice noted that the assessment is a chance for Britons to reveal any evidence or noteworthy aspects of their condition that they did not include in their initial application. 

This can include evidence from support workers, carers or doctors. 

They also noted that Britons need to prepare for the assessment, as it is ultimately the deciding factor in whether they receive the benefit. 

Most importantly, Britons should be open to talking about how their condition fully affects them without purposefully or accidentally overlooking anything. 

The assessor will use the information applicants provide on their original applications during the assessment, alongside what claimants say and do during the assessment, as well as their mental state.

Claimants can expect to be asked to do certain tasks, but Citizens Advice noted they should not feel they have to do something they wouldn’t normally do, as this will make the assessor think they can do this ordinarily.

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