Pensioners to pay new levy! What the rules mean for you amid National Insurance hike

REACHING state pension age usually means the end of needing to pay National Insurance contributions, but a new levy could see pensioners forking out a new levy well into retirement.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Budget 2021: Experts outline state pension changes

The 1.25 percent health and social care levy will be temporarily implemented through National Insurance contributions. For those already paying National Insurance, it'll mean a rise of 1.25 percent. Employer, employees, self-employed and for the first time, those above state pension age, will be required to pay this additional levy.

It's widely hoped that reaching retirement will mean time to relax and enjoy financial freedom through the tax advantages provided to the elderly.

However, this may be about to change.

It is said that individuals who pay class two and class three NI contributions will not be affected by this temporary increase.

Working pensioners who would normally be paying NI if it weren’t for the state pension age cut off will be required to pay the 1.25 percent levy from April 6, 2023. 


Pensioners looking concerned

Pensioners don't have a cause for concern right now, but come 2023 their pockets may be stretched (Image: GETTY)

The rise is supposed to be temporary, with government guidance noting that by April 2023 National Insurance contributions will reduce back down to 2021 figures.

April 2023 will instead bring a new 1.25 percent health of social care levy with a ringfenced revenue. 

In September, the Prime Minister's spokesperson said: "The levy will be paid by working adults including those over the state pension age. From April 2022, while systems are being updated, NICs rates will rise by 1.25 percent.

"Then, from April 2023, once systems are updated, the levy will be separated and the exact additional amount each employee is paying through the levy will be visible as a separate line on an individual's payslip.

"It is at this point that working adults above pension age will contribute to the levy."

The revenue raised will be going directly to the NHS and equivalent health or social care bodies across the UK.

While those above state pension age will not have cause for concern now, from April 6, 2023 they will be liable to pay the new permanent levy.


By making this historical decision to charge pensioners' National Insurance, it's been suggested that successive Chancellors could take advantage of the implemented charging structure and increase it over time.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies has reported that the levy will need to rise in the future, potentially doubling to 3.15 percent in order to cover the health and social care costs.

The 1.25 percent levy will cost those with an average salary of £30,000 per year an extra £255 while doubling the increase could see these same earners paying £643 more every year. 

Alongside rising inflation and general living costs, increasing population age and life expectancy will likely see more pensioners requiring the services of health and social care workers whilst increasing the amount they pay towards it as well. 

Is it fair for pensioners to pay National Insurance or are Britain's older generations being punished? Let us know in our comments section by clicking here

Pensioners looking concerned

The health and social care levy is bound to increase as costs for these services do the same (Image: GETTY)

While it has been argued that the unique and unprecedented economic circumstances are to blame for the taxation, many have criticised the decision as a stepping stone to make it easier to charge pensioners the full scope of NI in the future.

This levy plan was set out by the Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Health and Social Care which will lead to permanent increase in spending for this sector.

The decision to increase taxation rather than fund the spending through other means, such as higher borrowing, was influenced by the record amount of debt accumulated during the pandemic in order to fund the Governments’ economic response.

Additionally, the levy will provide a UK-wide, long-term solution to the health and social care funding dilemma.

The measure for the 2022-2023 financial year was originally introduced on September 7, 2021 and will be implemented at the earliest opportunity according to government guidance.

For this temporary levy, an estimated 29 million individuals will be affected.

The 1.25 percent rate will be calculated on all income above the primary threshold for an individuals.

The temporary levy will not see property income, pension income or savings affected.

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