You could make £4,000 by renting out these items - how much cash is sitting in your attic

MANY items in a home can earn their keep by being rented out, from designer dresses to bikes and camera lenses with the potential to make a person £4,000 richer.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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Many items such as bridesmaid dresses or health gear bought for a one-off purpose that has seen little use since can be rented online. shared what they found to be the most common and most valuable items listed for rental on platforms like Fat Llama and Hurr Collective.

There is no limit to what can be rented through online platforms, from room space to camera lenses, but which of these are actually valuable enough to reap in the rewards? conducted a study to establish the average rental cost for the most popular rented items. 

Renting out the top 23 items from their list can see one bringing in over £4,000 every month without doing very much. 

Designer dresses and suits topped the list at number one, renting for £255, and number six, renting for £141, respectively. 

Rusted can with money in it

There could be thousands of pounds sitting in your household with these rent-able items (Image: GETTY)

There is a higher chance of any given household having more than one of these items, meaning the average rental cost can double or triple with each item being rented. 

Marquees are also one of the more pricey rentals, following closely on the tails of designer dresses with £252 average cost.

Speaker systems are also an incredibly popular rental, with an average cost of £201.

This estimation can once again double or triple depending how many systems one owns and is willing to rent out. 


The average rental price for a campervan is £187, and also found that the average number of campervans per household was three which may be the start of an incredibly lucrative business opportunity for some.

 The next tech item on the list is a drone, which can vary in rental price depending on its size, battery life and abilities. 

The average rental price is around £141 but this can greatly increase if one is renting out a professional or modified drone. 

Projectors are also popular rentals and often have a one-time use in households.

Campervan on a lake shore

Renting out one's campervan in times they don't use it can quickly turn into substantial income (Image:

Rather than gathering dust, a projector can be rented out on average for around £114. 

While often being more commonly used compared to projectors, laptops can also be rented out in connection with other tech items or as a stand-alone piece for an average of £101.

Cameras and bikes can be rented out for around £88 but like drones this price can vary depending on the quality of the item.

Amplifiers are not a very common household item, but are seldom used frequently when they are bought.

Renting one out can bring in an extra £81 per month, with that amount rising if more than one is being rented out. 

Making significantly less than its technological counterpart, camera lenses can also be rented as a stand alone item for £58. 

A DJ deck fills up the last slot on the list with an average rental price of £52. 

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