'Free money' - How to make your retirement income work for you

MAKING your pension work harder before you retire could see your retirement income going a lot further.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Pension: Expert gives advice on preparing for retirement

Between record low interest rates and continuously rising inflation, it’s no longer enough to just work hard for money. Rather, that money will often need to work equally as hard once it’s in a person's possession. It’s estimated that half of Britons don’t truly understand their personal finances and how to properly save for retirement, but even for the financially illiterate there are plenty of easy ways to make their money work harder.

Tom Skinner, founder and financial planning director of Barnaby Cecil, shared exclusively with Express.co.uk four ways to make retirement savings work harder before a person starts using them.

Pension Matching

Pension Matching is sometimes offered on pension schemes, whereby whatever an employee saves each month, their employer matches their contribution. 

“It's effectively free money and we would encourage anyone who can afford Matching to take up the offer,” commented Mr Skinner. 

Retired couple dancing

When saving for retirement, it's recommended to aim for a specific figure to keep motivated (Image: GETTY)

Additionally, Mr Skinner suggested that if one is lucky enough to receive a big bonus or promotion that sees their tax bracket increasing they should sacrifice this spare change into their pensions.

This not only increases their pension by leaps and bounds, but it will also help them offset a potential rise in income tax. 

Mortgage versus ISA

Mr Skinner suggested: “Instead of overpaying your mortgage, consider investing any spare cash into a LISA (Lifetime ISA) due to the 25 percent bonus paid by the government. 

“You must be under 40 to open an LISA and the maximum you can pay in is £4,000 per annum. Or combine with an ISA and use the two to generate extra income in retirement.”


Review charges

Pension and fund charges should be less than 1.5 percent if managed by a professional and less than one percent if managed by the contributor according to Mr Skinner .

“Higher fees now reduce future income in retirement.”

Side hustle

“Think about a side hustle in something you are passionate about or enjoy and use any spare cash to invest,” he added. 

Thomas Skinner

Thomas Skinner shared his vital tips to boost retirement income before and during retirement (Image: Thomas Skinner)

Many over 50’s started side hustles or small businesses during lockdown and there are an array of platforms and opportunities available to those willing to put in the extra hours. 


“When you retire, consider semi-retiring first,” Mr Skinner suggested.

This may not be everyone’s idyllic situation, but by maximising the amount of time they are able to bring in an income and avoid using their retirement funds or state pension means they’ll have a bigger retirement pot for the future. 

Buying annuities 

Many use their entire pension pot to buy an annuity, but Mr Skinner suggests only buying it for essential expenses and keeping the remaining funds in drawdown. 

He explained: “Annuities are safer but will pay a lower income, whereas investments may pay higher returns but the returns will vary. Combining the two could meet your needs and provide more income.”

Spending plan and home equity

It may seem impossible to plan, but by factoring all the variables, goals and aspirations one has for retirement may give them a better idea of how much they should be saving, and spending. 

“Nobody knows how long they will live and whether they'll need care and for how long, but if you have no dependents, or you're happy to use some of your home as equity towards the end of your life, you could consider a plan to spend your retirement funds by, for example, 90 and if you are still alive, use a percentage of your home to fund what is likely to be your final decade. 

“This could release more income now but you should receive professional advice before making any financial decisions,” he concluded. 

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