Four rules Warren Buffett used to make his fortune - Invest like a billionaire

WORLD RENOWNED business magnate and investor extraordinaire Warren Buffett has shared his top four rules to follow if you want to be a millionaire.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Warren Buffett discusses EU and Monetary Union in 2011

Coming from humble beginnings with a business brain, Mr Buffett sold his first business while he was still in high school for a meager $1,200 (£891) in 1945. He shared the four rules that entrepreneurs and business people alike usually forget, that he used to grow his net worth to an astounding $104.9billion (£77.9billion).

During his lifetime, Mr Buffett has been a goldmine for investors and business people across the world, offering nuggets of life changing advice seemingly every time he speaks.

Whether it’s to retire as a millionaire, build up one’s fortune during their working career or just achieve a general sense of success, Mr Buffetts’ four golden rules are said to work for anyone in any situation. 

Pay yourself first

This is the concept of paying into one’s savings as soon as their paycheque arrives, commonly referred to as ‘Paying yourself first’.

Warren Buffett

Mr Buffett is an investment icon for many, having made his first investment at the age of 11 (Image: GETTY)

Many entrepreneurs fuel their ventures with life savings, risking it all without a safety net on their business idea.

While it seems noble and exhilarating, most often it does not end well. 

As the pandemic showcased, having a healthy savings cushion to fall back on is vital for financial security. 

Treating monthly savings the same as a non-negotiable bill instead of an optional contribution is one of Mr Buffett’s most well-known pieces of advice. 


Be wary of splurging on name brands

One aspect that sets Mr Buffett apart from other high net worth individuals is his incredibly frugal lifestyle. 

In fact, the few high-end luxuries he does own is often second-hand or lightly used.

Additionally, it appears Mr Buffett’s investment-focus extends beyond mainstream investments.

Warren Buffett

At 91-years-old, Warren Buffett is still the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway (Image: GETTY)

By considering high-end purchases as investments, Mr Buffett is able to purchase these luxuries with the potential of making a profit from them in the future should he decide to resell them.

Be careful with loans

Mr Buffett has commented on many occasions: “If you buy things you don’t need, you will soon sell things you do need.”

Tying in with the splurging rule, Mr Buffett warns against living outside of one’s means and ending up in the position where a loan is absolutely necessary. 

Don’t invest with borrowed money

Gambling with borrowed money is always advised against and looked down upon, and just because investments are a more socially accepted form of gambling shouldn’t change this outlook. 

Every investment has capital at risk and investors are generally advised to not invest more than they can afford to lose. 

Mr Buffett cautioned against borrowing money to invest in securities but noted that their may be one possible exception: mortgages and using fixed-rate loans on a single-family home as an investment. 

However, it is also interesting to note that Mr Buffett's company, Berkshire Hathaway, has never made any mass home purchases which would align with this advice.

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