Failed Dragons’ Den pitch outsells Monopoly in its first year

BOARD game designer Rachel Lowe proved the Dragons wrong as her invention and failed pitch has made her a multimillionaire.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Dragons' Den: Rachel Lowe pitches 'Destination London' in 2004

Going into the den, Ms Lowe was asking for £75,000 to go into her new board game Destination London and was thoroughly dismissed by all the Dragons after fudging her finances. However, after being launched in Hamely’s London store, Destination London went on to outsell one of the most popular games of the decade in its first year, proving that the Dragons aren’t always right.

Ms Lowe has been in the board game industry since 2002, and despite her expertise in the area she was sent out of the den due to her inexperience in running a business. 

She originally came up with the idea for her Destination game while working as a taxi driver to fund her law degree. 

The game would take players through iconic London tourist destinations, making it fun for the family as well as a souvenir for tourists. 

With a planned launch in one of the biggest toy stores in London, Ms Lowe was confident that her board game would get the £75,000 she needed from the dragons.

Rachel Lowe on Dragons' Den

Rachel Lowe appeared on Dragons' Den in 2004 and received her MBE in 2009 (Image: BBC)

Her deal with Hamley’s was quickly torn apart by Duncan Bannatyne, who pointed out the holes in her launch plan that would essentially see her with no press, sales or advantage in the board game industry. 

Rachel Elnaugh was also incredibly concerned about the large amount of competition Ms Lowe was facing with the likes of Monopoly and Hasbro dominating the industry. 

Beginning to look a bit nervous as she fumbled for answers, Simon Woodroffe and Peter Jones quickly added to her sorrows by declaring themselves as the first dragons out of the deal. 

For both Mr Woodroffe and Mr Jones, the main cause for concern was Ms Lowe’s lacking business knowledge, saying that it was hard to have enough faith that she would run the business correctly and be a good partner to work with. 


American Dragon Doug Richard seemed to be giving Ms Lowe a much needed lifeline, as the two had a steady back-and-forth about the business’s expected finances.

However, when asked for the expected profit for the upcoming fiscal year Ms Lower was unable to answer. 

One of the most vital, yet often forgotten, part of pitching in the den is knowing one’s financial figures by heart. 

Ms Lowe showcased her inexperience in business management as she then misunderstood the difference between gross profit and net profit.

Rachel Lowe on Dragons' Den

Ms Lowe's £75,000 investment was declined by all of the Dragons (Image: GETTY)

Saying the net profit was expected to be £190,000 from £200,000 sales, which financially makes no sense.

Mr Richard swiftly exited the deal saying: “We can’t even have a basic business discussion.”

“It doesn’t seem like you’ve prepared very well,” said Ms Elnaugh, “You remind me of a lamb to the slaughter in some ways.”

With the final Dragon declaring herself out, Ms Lowe left the den empty-handed, with Ms Elnaugh commenting: “She’d be eaten alive in business.”

Mr Richard added: “She had a crappy investment.”

Ms Lowe commented after the show that numbers have never been her strong suit saying: “When I’m successful I’ll have someone else doing it for me.”

Now, the Destination game range includes over 30 varieties and Ms Lowe has been awarded an MBE for services to business. 

Additionally, it appears Ms Lowe has gotten a solid grip on the financial side, with her current net worth estimated to be $131million (£96million).

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