Best friends explain how they turned £1,000 into six-figure revenue during Covid pandemic

A CO-FOUNDER of the UK's first brand-to-influencer logistics company has told why brands should be pivoting to digital marketing tools like influencers if they want to achieve modern success.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Maria Fowler demonstrates how influencers can edit photos

Tom Higgins co-founded Gifta in 2020, and with only £500 input from each founder, the company has grown to a six-figure revenue by connecting brands directly with content creators. Now, working with international brands like L’Oreal, ASICS and GOSH Food, the marketing expert shared why businesses are losing out by not utilising the tools of the modern digital world.

“We package and deliver products in beautiful personalised boxes, making the interaction feel special and track all content through the Gifta platform so you don't have to,” Mr Higgins explained.

Essentially, influencers are online content creators with a substantial following and captivated audience.

Businesses can tap into this by providing them products to showcase to likeminded consumers in their following, making it arguably the easiest and most cost-effective for of modern day marketing.

“Due to the advancements in technology, never have we lived in a time where someone can create content and pitch a product or service to a targeted audience so easily,” Mr Higgins commented.

“There is nothing more powerful than an independent creative review from a trusted source and Influencer marketing gives brands just that. 

Phones in a circle

Influencer marketing, also known as affiliate marketing, is quickly overtaking traditional marketing (Image: GETTY)

“Small businesses should leverage the value of Influencer marketing, it provides an incredible opportunity to market your products and services to their target audience whilst driving a fantastic ROI.”

Mr Higgins enjoyed a full career in sales and marketing for over a decade, but he realised that the nine to five roles really weren’t working for him so decided to travel and find the way he did want to work.

Upon returning, Mr Higgins was thrown straight into the pandemic, moving back in with his parents with no income, distractions or excuses.

He saw the pandemic as an opportunity as never again, hopefully, would life be put on pause quite like it was in 2020.


Running some business ideas past his friends, who ultimately joined him as co-founders, Gifta was formed to provide end-to-end logistic solutions for businesses and influencers alike, the first company of its kind.

All the founders put in £500 each and worked for free to test their ideas and processes, as Mr Higgins commented: “The opportunities are endless. I enjoy creating jobs and opportunities for people, which has been made possible by starting Gifta.

“I wanted freedom, challenge, excitement and adventure from running my own business,” he continued: “Running my own business allows me to be creative, innovative and learn every day.

“We have always had a test and learn mentality, fail fast and move on. I wish we had believed in ourselves sooner,” he noted.

Tom Higgins

Tom Higgins co-founded GIFTA after a decade in the sales and marketing industry (Image: Tom Higgins)

Mr Higgins noted that while the founding team had a variety of skills and tools, the most useful was some of the most commonly found online business applications, like Google Business Suite, Canva and Xero.

“We believe in supporting content creators and connecting them with
brands they truly love. Delivering advocacy at scale to ensure the continued success and credibility of the influencer industry.”

This is vital as the influencer industry was virtually unheard of a mere 10 years ago, and with technology advancing so quickly it’s easy for entrepreneurs and business owners to feel like they’re being swept away by the tide.

Mr Higgins advised that entrepreneurs should not be afraid to test their markets, provided they do such in an environment with little risk and little financial investment.

“Ask the customers what they want and then build it. Not the other way round,” he noted.

Additionally, he advised that, like Gifta, entrepreneurs begin by offering products or services either free of charge or at a heavily discount rate when they first start.

While it may seem counterintuitive to give items away for free when trying to make money, Mr Higgins explained: “It reduces their risk, provides you with direct feedback and offers fantastic case studies if it works. 

“Don't be afraid to make mistakes, if anything encourage them, learn, and pivot. You don't fail until you stop,” he concluded.

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