'Felt like ordinary people were being excluded' - Why man, 33, started £5million business

TOM MCGILLYCUDDY co-founded a multimillion pound business in 2016 after making a leap into the financial sector and seeing how inefficient and unnecessarily expensive the industry was.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Entrepreneur Holly Tucker recalls ‘risking it all’

CIRCA5000 was created to demystify investing, showcasing the new generation how their money can make money, and in doing so they garnered over £7million funding and expect an incredible revenue of £5million next year. However, it hasn’t always been an easy road to get here, as Mr McGillycuddy explained:  “We were the first people in our families to go to university, we both felt like outsiders straight away.”

Mr McGillycuddy and Matt Latham founded CIRCA5000, formerly known as tickr, together after bonding on the Barclays graduate scheme in 2011 where they both found themselves doing a lot of ‘firsts’ for both of their families

Entrepreneurship was not the plan at the beginning either, as Mr McGillycuddy elaborated: “I honestly never considered starting my own business until I’d spent a few years in finance. I felt like I’d been let behind the curtain, been shown how finance works, and realised that it was largely inefficient, charged extortionate fees to unsuspecting customers, and had been designed to confuse ordinary people like me.”

Alongside these philanthropic motivations, the reason Mr McGillycuddy got into finance in the first place was his curiosity for the world around him: “My interest in investing came from just wanting to know how the world works. Understanding finance gives you that context. It’s an industry that encompasses economics, politics, behavioural science, psychology, and a whole host of other disciplines, and that fascinated me. In a capitalist system, understanding capital markets and the flow of money is parallel to understanding the world. And if you understand it, then you can change it.”

He continued: “After leaving Barclays to join Wellington Management, I started to think that if we – Matt and I – weren’t going to solve the problems we could see, who would do it? This pushed us over the line to start CIRCA5000, but I think it took us a few years to learn about an industry in detail, before we could see what was truly wrong with it, to then leave and try and address the problems we found.”

The entrepreneur had convinced himself that channelling the knowledge the pair had learnt from their time at Barclays and Wellington Management to right these wrongs.

Tom McGillycuddy and Matt Latham

Tom McGillycuddy and Matt Latham started working on the idea for CIRCA5000 in 2016 (Image: Tom McGillycuddy)

“This led me to impact investing: investing in companies to earn money and have a positive impact on the planet. I started working in the impact team at Wellington after convincing their Head of Impact Investing to take me on (with an impassioned caffeine-fuelled rant about changing the world!)” he explained.

During his time on the impact team, Mr McGillycuddy was working to invest money for pension funds and speaking to Mr Latham they wondered if there was no easy way to do what they did for clients easily with their own money.

He added: “Again, it felt like ordinary people were being excluded from something that we thought had mass appeal. So, in 2016 we started working on the idea that would eventually become CIRCA5000 after Matt texted me to kick the conversation off, with the aim of bringing impact investing to everyone, especially people new to investing.”

Now armed with an idea, the pair sought to put it in motion whilst working two jobs and 60-70 hour weeks: “I used to work on the idea in the morning before work, then Matt would pick it up in the evening, and we would speak and work together on the weekend.


“You don’t know what you don’t know until you start, and then realise you really don’t know much, but you’ve no choice but to learn it fast! When it got closer to us being able to launch we received some angel funding to get it off the ground, then when we left our jobs we raised funding from angel investors in the industry – mainly senior people at the organisations we used to work for – and a family office based in The Netherlands."

Mr McGillycuddy added that their early investors and team have been the most instrumental people in growing the business.

“People we had worked with that invested with their personal money, and SLJ Investment Partners - who believed in us when it was still at the idea stage. I would also say the team that we have - we wouldn’t be where we are today without all of their efforts, and the thing we are most proud of is the team.”

Alongside this, he advised that any budding entrepreneur should: “Find a co-founder you trust with your life; someone who you can share the burden with. You will need it!”

CIRCA5000 branding

CIRCA5000 prioritises simple, impact investing to make it accessible to ordinary people (Image: Tom McGillycuddy)

In October 2018 the first version of the app was made available to the entrepreneur’s friends and family while a wider launch happened in January 2019.

Their entrepreneurial venture started out entirely self-funded and has since raised, invested and earned millions for its simple impact investing and their eco-friendly mindset.

“We want to make sure our planet and the people living on it see the year 5000 and beyond, and we think investing itself has the power to shape the very future of humanity. We know that it’s possible to grow wealth over time and enrich the planet and its people, so what we really care about is building a product that helps people secure a better future for themselves, the planet, and humanity at large.”

However, what truly sets CIRCA5000 apart from other investment apps is their simplicity, with the goal of helping new generation secure their financial future while keeping this complex industry as simple as possible.

Mr McGillycuddy also shared his investment expertise exclusively with saying that impact investors looking to champion a vision should do two things first:

“One: Get people who truly buy into you, the team, and the vision - it’s an investment made into you.

“Two: Ideally work with people who can invest again in future rounds, so you are not having to build new relationships each time you raise funding.”

He continued: “The first sounds elementary, but it’s the most important. Things will get tough, so you need people that will back you through thick and thin. So, it’s important to genuinely screen for this when looking for the right investors. Look at their past investments, what they stand for, interview them. Do your homework on them as they would do on you.

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