'Action kills doubt' how man grew business to £50million valuation during lockdown

TOM FAIREY believed he "had no right to start a business" when being cheated out of a sports bet led him to create one of the fastest growing skill-based company in Europe and see it soar from £2million to £50million during lockdown.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Nick Knowles discusses getting money for old video games

Stakester launched in 2019, offering a platform for people to play video games and bet on them, but in just 18 months the gaming platform has seen astronomical growth and a £1million investment from a complete stranger thanks to a Linkedin post and Mr Fairey’s unique business policies. Mr Fairey explained in an exclusive interview that working at Stakester means a mandatory one hour of gaming per day, fitness trackers encouraging employees to walk whenever possible, incentives to socialise with each other and the freedom to work whenever and wherever they like.

The gaming industry has gone from strength to strength during the pandemic as more people found themselves with the time to enjoy their favourite games or start as a new hobby.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 50 percent of the population has started gaming and Stakester found themselves in the perfect place at the perfect time.

Filling a pristine gap in the market, Stakester bridges the gap between gambling and gaming: allowing people to bet money on outcomes they can control and has now become one of the biggest names in the eSports industry.  

Since the official launch in May 2020, over one million competitions have been hosted on Stakester with the business having a current valuation of £50million, but even more interesting is the story of how this unicorn start-up came to be.

Mr Fairey explained: “The literal story of how Stakester started: I’m in a gym, doing some jiu-jitsu which I’m not very good at, and this Russian guy comes in and he goes: ‘I recognise you, you’re good competition,’ and I was like ‘Cheers buddy!’ so my mates start laughing but he follows up; ‘but you look so weak.’

“Then it progressed and he says ‘Why don’t we spar some time?’ and I’m like ‘Alright, I’m confident, let’s roll’ then he says we should do it for money.

“We wouldn’t be talking if I didn’t win that match, but anyway I ask where’s my money and he says he’ll pay me next time.”

Tom Fairey

Tom Fairey founded Stakester in late 2019 but only launched the official platform in May 2020 (Image: Tom Fairey)

Mr Fairey is incredibly competitive, and not trusting that he would see this man again to get his dues he searched for a way to get the money without giving his confidential banking information: “Turns out; there wasn’t an app for it.”

Realising this empty hole in the competitive sports and gaming industry, he took it upon himself to test what a person’s reaction is to betting on matches and games they control: “My theory is that if you can create an emotional reaction you can create a business.

“I did an experiment, so I invite all my buddies round through to my mates house to play a night of FIFA. And I got these rubbish heart rate monitors off Amazon. So I go and ask everyone to put them on, and they’ve known me long enough to be like ‘Okay, this is just his thing, we’ll go along with it.’

“I tracked (their heart rate). Going ‘Here’s your heart rate normally, here’s playing for a beer, here’s playing for a pizza…’

“They went from resting around, 60-70 bpm, to getting up to 115-120bpm and the worst was playing for a slap bet.”

Satisfied that this business would work, Mr Fairey set out to find a way to make his idea a reality.


“My attitude is always go for the best possible person, aim high, because the worst they can do is say no. So, I called up a friend of mine called Monica who worked for EA. I told her I was looking for someone to help me with this idea and be my CTO and she said ‘Have you met my fiancé.’ It turned out that he was the co-creator of Grand Theft Auto.

“So on the phone with Monica I ask ‘What’s he doing tomorrow night at 6?’ She asked if I wanted to video call and I said no, I’m looking at sky-scanner, I can be in New York tomorrow night at 6. 

“I sat down with him and explained that my idea was to create a platform where people can play their favourite games with each other for money and prizes and he was in.”

The pair set about making the platform and have since garnered a team to help their endeavour, earning millions along the way, but what really sets Stakester, and Mr Fairey, a part from the rest is the unique policies implemented to keep employees productive.

“When someone is sat at their desk, if they are not energised they are not going to be getting any work done. No one is going to argue against that. The truth of it is, that I want people to be happy and healthy but I still expect great outcomes from them. I don’t want to create a yoga retreat upstairs, I want to create a successful business.

“When I worked in a big corporate company and I would sit at my desk from 7:30 in the morning until 6:30 at night and that was considered productive. I wasn’t productive really, because I’m just sat there looking at BBC or whatever.

Two men playing a video game

Mr Fairey's experiment proved that people have an emotional reaction when gaming for rewards (Image: GETTY)

“I believe that work environment we have at the moment is flawed. We talk about things like blocking out your calendar to become more productive, but I think if you make people fitter they’re going to have more energy, if you make people happier they’re going to work harder.

“I give people absolute freedom to do whatever they want, I don’t even tell them how to do their job. I say to them ‘Look, this is the outcome I want you to achieve’ and off they go. I don’t tell them when or where to work. Because they’re the expert not me, I’ve got no idea what I’m doing, I’m not very good at anything,” he proclaimed.

Alongside this, there is a mandatory gaming quota for all employees, Mr Fairey’s incentive behind this is help employees switch off from work, socialise and learn about the market at the same time.

Mr Fairey is also a strong believer in physical health and encourages his team to get as many steps in a day as possible.

“The day you join you get bought a fitness tracker and what that means is everyone in the company is tracked on the number of steps they have. If you’re on a call when you don’t have to present something you have to do it on a walk because we want people to get their steps up. And everyone loves it. Working from home people are averaging like 3,000 steps a day, whereas people in my business are averaging 11,000.

“In the office we don’t have a coffee machine, there’s a café down the road, 400 steps there and back. And if you go with someone you get a free coffee, free pastry, get whatever you want on me because I want to encourage people to have that time out but socialise and move.

“I firmly believe that mental health and physical health are closely related and if you get those things right you solve a lot of things in your business.”

He added: “We’re probably the fastest growing skill-based platform on the planet because of it.

Adding his three best business and entrepreneurial tips, Mr Fairey noted:

“Number one: When it comes to running your business as a leader, ultimately you are not a CEO or a founder or anything glamorous, you’re coach. You’re there to control performance and culture and you need that mindset to help people achieve and do their best. You’re not the one lifting the trophy at the end of the day, it’s your team so think of yourself as a coach and get rid of your ego.

“Number two: talk to your customers. I invest in a lot of start-ups and when I get pitched to I sit there like ‘Why aren’t you talking to your customers?’ Just ask them: what’s good about my product, what’s not good about my product, and it costs nothing! And if you haven’t got any customers talk to the people that should be your customers.”

He concluded: “Number three: Action kills doubt. If you are worried about something do something. Worried about fundraising; go raise money. If you’re worried that someone is ruining your culture; fix it. The worst thing a founder can do is stagnant. Don’t worry, do something. I know it sounds hard but the truth is you have to have the courage to do it."

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