Author and comedian Mark Watson: My six best books

MARK WATSON, 35, is a comic who has appeared regularly at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and on TV show Mock The Week. He has also written five novels.


MARK WATSON, is a comic who has appeared regularly at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe

MIDDLEMARCH by George Eliot Penguin, £10.99

A gigantic slab of a book that I read at university. I remember the beauty of the writing and the ambition of it. It’s a snapshot of society in early 19th-century England with lovely character studies. 

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JONATHAN STRANGE & MR NORRELL by Susanna Clarke Bloomsbury, £9.99

Another huge book. You feel more emotionally wedded to a book if it’s chewed up months of your life. I’ve never been a huge fan of fantasy so it was surprising how much I loved it. The core of it is the very human rivalry between two magicians.

THE GREAT GATSBY by F Scott Fitzgerald Vintage, £7.99

The melancholy figure of Gatsby really appealed to me. It’s narrated by a character looking in with a mixture of longing and horror. I’m always the person in the corner at parties so I’ve got a soft spot for narrators who feel out of their depth. 

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THE LITTLE STRANGER by Sarah Waters Virago, £8.99

I knew I was going to love this author straightaway. It’s narrated by a doctor visiting a declining seat of aristocracy and it becomes a ghost story. Waters evokes different historical periods with an amazing eye for detail and it’s breathless storytelling. 

THE THIRD POLICEMAN by Flann O’Brien Harper, £8.99

An absurdist novel where the main character enters a parallel world. I did a dissertation about it at university and became quite obsessed with it. It made me want to write because of the sheer joy and audacity of it.

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THE MAGUS by John Fowles Vintage, £9.99

A long, dense book that you get lost in where the character spends time on an island witnessing baffling events. Probably because of some feeling that I can’t really cope with life, I like books where someone is confused by his circumstances and can’t get away from them. 

The DVD of his latest show Flaws is out now and he tours new show I’m Not Here from March 2. 

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