Bestselling crime novelist Peter May: My six best books

PETER MAY, 64, was a TV screenwriter before becoming a bestselling crime novelist. His award-winning The Lewis Trilogy has sold three million copies in the UK. His latest, Coffin Road (Quercus, £18.99), is out now.

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Peter May's award-winning The Lewis Trilogy has sold three million copies in the UK

TINTIN Explorers On The Moon by Hergé Egmont, £7.99

A childhood favourite. My friend and I recorded ourselves reading these. I loved the simplicity of the characterisation and it encouraged me to create my own cartoon series. Hergé took you to exotic places which inspired me to take my own readers with me to different places.

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A rambling novel about the lives of Balthazar and his childhood friend that had me laughing out loud. It revolutionised the way I saw writing. My father was an English teacher but Donleavy showed that you could break rules to transform reading into a sensual pleasure. 

A MOVEABLE FEAST by Ernest Hemingway Arrow, £6.99

An autobiography of Hemingway’s early impoverished years in Paris which made me realise how you had to learn your craft and use the things around you. There was something alluring about 1920s Paris and it became a bible for everything that I wanted to be and do. 

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COLLECTED SHORT STORIES: Volume 1 by W Somerset Maugham Vintage, £10.99

I devoured short stories when I was in my 20s and Maugham was my favourite writer. They’re great sketches of the human condition and are based on real experiences. There’s a brilliant set about a First World War spy. 

11.22.63 by Stephen King Hodder, £9.99

King is a fantastic writer and in this his character travels back in time to try to prevent the assassination of John F Kennedy. The tension builds and builds – I couldn’t put it down. 

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ORDINARY GRACE by William Kent Krueger Amazon only

This was a break in style for Krueger where a crime is just a pretext for a bigger story of childhood. It’s set in Minnesota in the early Sixties and you get absolutely drawn into that world. 

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