Author Helen Dunmore: My six best books

HELEN DUNMORE, 63, is the author of the Orange prize-winning novel The Siege (Penguin, £8.99).

books, author, read, Helen Dunmore, The Siege UploadExpress, Caroline ReesPH

Helen Dunmore, 63, is the author of the Orange prize-winning novel The Siege (Penguin, £8.99)

LITTLE WOMEN by Louisa May Alcott Vintage, £5.99

I loved the characters and found the household really interesting: headed by the mother, father away at war, not much money but so much vitality and generosity. It’s timeless because it’s about women seeking out their destiny which was unusual at the time.

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SELECTED LETTERS by John Keats OUP, £9.99

These have been a talisman for me. They’re warm, humorous, poignant and suggest how much he crammed into a brief, brilliant life. His friends spring to life and everywhere he went he was observing and making jokes. 

EFURU by Flora Nwapa Out of print

I read this in my late teens. Efuru, an Igbo woman in Nigeria, is charismatic, strong and unforgettable. Her destiny is connected with the local goddess of the lake so it’s magic realism but also like Greek tragedy and I found that way of writing to be very interesting. 

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PRIDE AND PREJUDICE by Jane Austen Vintage Classics, £7.99

I’ve often taken this with me when I’ve travelled alone because it’s so re-readable and packed with wit. In a dismal airport lounge, it casts its spell immediately. You’re always seeing some new facet of character and Elizabeth Bennet has an appealing effervescence. 

THE OXFORD BOOK OF ENGLISH VERSE Edited by Christopher Ricks OUP, £20

I read lots of poetry and this was my introduction to so many writers. I think it’s important that people enjoy poetry. It’s such a musical form that can get beneath your guard and affect you deeply.

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TO THE LIGHTHOUSE by Virginia Woolf Penguin Classics, £7.99

You can hear the sea in this haunting novel – something that has always been central to my life and writing. It’s a wonderful portrait of the parent-child relationship but it’s also about the search for liberty and the acknowledgement of limitations. 

Helen Dunmore's other titles include A Spell Of Winter (£9.99) and The Lie (£7.99). She has also written children’s books. Her latest novel Exposure (Hutchinson, £16.99) is out on January 28.

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