Leave voters like me can back Labour with confidence, says Lord Mann

Lord Mann makes the case for rebuilding Brexit Britain so we can be "proud of towns up and down our country" once more.

John Mann

John Mann is a Labour Brexiteer (Image: PA)

In 2016 I voted to leave the European Union because I thought it was the right thing for Britain. I believed then, as I still do now, that immigration should be controlled while working conditions should be protected here at home. 

Over decades I watched the North’s proud industries go to the wall, one by one. Mining, steel, and potteries fell away, taking with them years of highly skilled work that powered one of the foremost industrial economies in the world. We became hooked on the import of cheap labour, undercutting working conditions and constraining opportunities for young people in towns and villages like mine.

When I was in Parliament, I felt my concerns weren’t being listened to. I felt that leaving the European Union would allow our country to forge a bold new path to growing our economy and industries of the future, powered by the pride and graft of British workers.

But the Tories have bodged Brexit. Many people will have voted Brexit because, like me, they wanted to see immigration come down. But our immigration system is now in total chaos.

Since the last election, net migration has more than trebled, despite leaving the EU. We now have a Conservative Party that has stood on four manifestos that have promised to reduce migration. They’ve failed to deliver, each and every time. They will try to tell you again at this election that this time, they’ll be able to do it. But I can’t see how anyone would trust them again.

I haven’t always had faith in my own party to deliver on immigration. But Keir Starmer has changed the Labour Party. It is crystal clear he understands the need for secure borders and controlled immigration. So much so, that he has made it a key part of his offer of change for Britain.

READ MORE: Brexiteer issues urgent warning over UK's immigration system being in 'total chaos'

Today, he has set out what I believe is a credible plan to bring down migration, crack down on rogue employers and train UK workers. 

Keir will link skills, immigration and our industrial strategy together to fire up training and opportunities for young people. We will once again have industries we can be proud of in towns up and down our country, offering good, secure jobs for young people.

Labour has committed to giving businesses the flexibility they need in the apprenticeship levy, to train the workforce they need to keep Britain moving. They will develop specialist colleges, teaching people the skills they need to work in local growing industries. People from towns like mine won’t need to move away to find the life they want, and we won’t need to look overseas to fill skills gaps.

He’ll ban hiring from overseas by rogue employers and recruitment agencies who break employment law and undercut the terms and conditions of British workers. No longer will companies be able to flout the rules that stop people from losing arms and legs in industrial accidents, or underpay minimum wage with impunity – they’ll lose the right to hire from abroad, so they’ll have to raise their standards.

Labour’s plan will allow us to finally end the shameful shambles we have seen under the Tories and start rebuilding Britain.

For the first time in a very long time, I feel assured that Labour will bring down net migration, boost British skills and control the immigration system.

Leave voters like me can vote Labour with confidence.

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