Labour is ready to protect and serve Britain after 14 years of Tory rule

Labour will take responsibility and protect Britain in a complicated and fast-changing world, says Shadow Security Minister Dan Jarvis.

Dan Jarvis

Dan Jarvis has been a Labour member of parliament since 2011 (Image: Getty)

The world is now more complex, more dangerous, and more unpredictable than at any point since the Second World War. In the years ahead, we have every reason to believe it will continue to become a more dangerous place. That's why our national security is on the ballot at this election, and we can't risk it by sticking with the Conservatives.
We only need to look at highly questionable relationships between senior Conservative politicians and individuals with links to hostile states. We've seen some Conservatives cosying up to Putin-apologist Nigel Farage.

Worryingly, we've also seen hostile states attacking and intimidating their critics on Britain’s streets without our government urgently bringing forward a strategy to stop it. There is also a damming report by a cross-party parliamentary group on national security, which said that there is a high risk of a catastrophic ransomware attack at any moment due to a lack of preparation.
Additionally, under the Conservatives, the British Army is now at its smallest size since The Napoleonic Wars, when the tyrant Napoleon sought to dominate much of Europe.
The Conservatives prefer to skip over these failures and instead try to attack Labour on arguments that belonged to the 2019 election, not the current one. I'm proud that, as leader, Keir Starmer has transformed Labour from a party of protest to a party of government, now ready to serve the British people.

I served our country at the sharp end of the Armed Forces in The Parachute Regiment for 15 years. All my working life has been in public service to our country. I know Keir Starmer is a patriot who won’t flinch from acting in the national interest to keep our country safe and secure in an increasingly dangerous world.
That’s why Labour is absolutely committed to our nuclear deterrent, increasing defence spending to 2.5% of our GDP, and strengthening ties within NATO to stand up to tyrants like Putin.

It's also why we will introduce new measures to detect, disrupt, and defeat terrorism both on our streets and online, tackle extremist hate, and stop hostile states from carrying out attacks in the UK. And we will smash the vile gangs that profit from smuggling people in boats over the Channel with a new Border Security Command unit.
With great power comes great responsibility. The Conservatives have, though, repeatedly shown they have squandered great power and can no longer be trusted with such great responsibility.
Labour stands ready to serve.

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