Linda Nolan reveals cancer treatment has stopped working in devastating update

Linda Nolan was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005 and discovered that her secondary breast cancer had spread to her brain last year.

By Jennie Buzaglo, Showbiz Reporter

Linda Nolan cancer

Linda Nolan's cancer treatment has stopped working (Image: ITV)

Linda Nolan has revealed that her cancer treatment has stopped working. The 65-year-old's recent scans show that two of the tumours in her brain have grown, while there has also been an increase of the smaller cancerous spots surrounding them.

In March 2023, Linda made the heartbreaking discovery that her secondary breast cancer had spread to her brain. Since then, she has been receiving regular treatments which initially reduced the tumours.

While the tumours have not returned to their original size, this new development suggests that her current treatment is no longer working. Linda told The Mirror: "I sobbed when my consultant first told me. I know so many people are suffering and going through things, but I thought, just for once, could cancer just leave me alone? My heart sank."

The Irish actress had a feeling that something wasn't right, adding: "My balance has been getting worse and my memory - my sisters have to prompt me when I get lost in the middle of a sentence."

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Linda's recent scans show that two of the tumours in her brain have grown (Image: Getty)

Linda's older sister Maureen accompanied her to the appointment when the doctor confirmed her cancer had spread. The singer immediately looked ahead as she asked her consultant: "What do we do now?"

Linda was first diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer back in 2005 and later fought the disease on two more occasions, including a secondary form in her hip and liver.

Since discovering the tumours in her brain, Linda has been receiving immunotherapy every three weeks. The TV personality is now embracing a spark of optimism as she is set to try a new treatment.

The new therapy plan will incorporate Enhertu, a drug currently unavailable through the NHS in England for women with a type of secondary breast cancer different from Linda's, which is HER2-positive.

Linda nolan on GMB

Linda was first diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer back in 2005 (Image: ITV)

The drug is inaccessible due to budgetary disputes between the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca. Women with HER2-low are now campaigning for Enhertu to be accessible on the NHS. The drug is available in Scotland and can add months onto people's lives.

Of the new treatment, Linda said: "To be able to try a new drug is amazing, I just wish everyone could have this opportunity. To be able to try this is hope - it’s a plan B not everyone is being allowed. To take this drug away from women is to take away their hope."

Side effects of the new drug mean Linda could lose her hair again, meaning this would be the fifth time she would have to shave her head. Despite the challenges ahead, Linda remains determined to fight the disease.

She added: "Thankfully, he is not saying, 'We can’t do anything for you'. We have more places to go. I am ready to try anything. I have done this before and I can do it again."

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