GMB's Nick Dixon speaks out after being accused of ‘breaking the law’ on live TV

Good Morning Britain correspondent Nick Dixon hit back on Twitter after facing an onslaught of backlash from viewers claiming he had "criticised the police while breaking the law" on live television.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

GMB's Nick Dixon times drive for report

Nick Dixon was forced to defend himself on Twitter after a barrage of viewers accused him of not wearing his seatbelt while reporting live from the front passenger seat of a moving taxi.

Once GMB’s live coverage turned away from Nick, he enlisted the help of his cameraman in the backseat as he shared a short clip on his own Twitter page, saying: “Just to reassure people who have been tweeting me this morning to say that I haven’t had a seatbelt on…”

The reporter twisted towards the camera, showing a seatbelt wrapped around his torso as he continued: “I have…all morning.”

“You can’t see from that angle, it’s not visible because it dips down and you wouldn’t see it from where Rav’s filming in the back.”

The 51-year-old presenter emphasised his point in the caption, writing: “For anyone wondering or tweeting me, I have had a seat belt on all morning. Not visible on air because of the angle we are showing but it’s been on, of course…”

Nick had been reporting live from Sussex at the scene where a PCSO reportedly refused to respond to a crime that was taking place just down the road from where they were parked.

The reporter attempted to demonstrate just how close the PCSO had been to the crime scene as he continued his live segment while getting in a taxi and timing the 27-second drive.

Shortly after the segment was posted to Good Morning Britain’s Twitter page, viewers slammed the presenter in the comments, with one claiming Nick was “happy to criticise the police (AGAIN!) while breaking the law and not wearing a seatbelt in the front seat of a moving car”.

Nick Dixon

Nick explained that viewers simply couldn't see his seatbelt due to the camera angle (Image: ITV)

Another added: “Did @NickDixonITV really just travel in a car without wearing a seatbelt …. Having watched the clip several times it definitely appears that way.”

A third questioned whether he believed he had “no need for (a) seatbelt”.

However, some spoke up in defence of the presenter, saying that they could hear the seatbelt rubbing against the microphone pinned to his chest during the live show and one adding they saw the seatbelt “when your head moved”.

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