Jason Manford warns 'dictatorship is forming’ as Boris Johnson tipped for comeback as PM

Jason Manford has spoken out against the idea of Boris Johnson being re-elected as Prime Minister after Liz Truss announced her resignation earlier today.

By Hannah McGreevy, Content Editor

Liz Truss announces her resignation as Prime Minister

Comedian , 41, has warned that a “dictatorship is forming” following the news that , 58, may stand in the newest leadership contest. The star’s outrage comes after , 47, told the public she would be stepping down as PM and that her replacement would be appointed in the space of just one week. 

This afternoon, Jason reacted to a tweet from British Electoral Politics, who announced: “BREAKING: Boris Johnson is expected to stand in the Conservative Party leadership contest.”

In response, the musical theatre star wrote in view of his 440,100  followers: “Like a bad penny! A dictatorship is forming here. 

“When will we learn that these scumbags do not have a clue what to do and do not have our best interest at heart. 

“Yet they demand apologies for being called scum and c**ts! Well stop acting like one then!” (sic)

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Jason Manford boris johnson liz truss twitter

Jason warned his followers of a "dictatorship forming" (Image: GETTY)

Jason Manford boris johnson liz truss twitter

Jason is a comedian and performer (Image: GETTY)

Moments later, a Twitter user named Jim wrote: “I’m old enough to remember when people thought John Major was bad. Those now seem like the good old days…”

Jason responded: “Controversial from me, as someone who would much prefer a Lab govt but whatever you thought of Major, May even Thatcher etc, is that THEY felt like they were doing the best for the country (even if I thought they were wrong). Not like this self serving shower of sh***.” (sic)

However, Dorset Yeoman argued: “Weird reaction. Johnson and the Tories are clowns, but it’s clearly nothing like a dictatorship. Johnson has a huge electoral mandate.” (sic)

Jason replied: “Not a weird reaction at all! I’m not saying Boris is the dictator but the fact the Tories are gripping on to power and not allowing us to vote for a new leader is a dictatorship. 

Jason Manford boris johnson liz truss twitter

Liz announced her resignation today (Image: GETTY)

Jason Manford boris johnson liz truss twitter

Boris was PM before Liz had the job (Image: GETTY)

“We went through the ridiculous leadership campaign and here we are. Time to do one and let us decide.” (sic)

The same Twitter user fired back: “Where’s the dictatorship then? There isn’t one.”

“Semantics, you know what I mean, and it’s this sort of whatsboutery that is bringing the country to its knees,” Jason insisted.

Jamie wrote: “When are we hitting the streets? This is a disgrace.” 


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Jason replied: “I’d love to but as this govt are cleverly taking away our right to protest I’m not sure how we go about it! 

“As we’ve learnt from BLM, rail strikes, Eco and anti-austerity protests, you can only protest in an orderly fashion with the minimum of fuss and disruption!” (sic)

The Prime Minister succeeded Boris Johnson as Prime Minister on September 6 after defeating Rishi Sunak in the Conservative Party leadership contest.

Resigning after just 44 days in office, she will be remembered as the shortest-serving PM in British history.

A new leader is to be selected next Friday and some names have already been discussed for her replacement.

Aside from the former PM, other high-profile figures being discussed include former Chancellor Rishi Sunak, who was beaten in the last Conservative leadership contest. 

Leader of the House of Commons Penny Mordaunt has also been mentioned, as well as Defence Secretary Ben Wallace. 

Jeremy Hunt, who was appointed as Chancellor of the Exchequer six days ago, has confirmed he will not be entering the leadership race.

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