EastEnders star Jessie Wallace arrested for alleged attack on police officer outside club

EASTENDERS star Jessie Wallace was cautioned for allegedly assaulting a police officer outside a nightclub this weekend.

By Hannah McGreevy, Content Editor

Jessie Wallace shows weight loss in ‘Look At Me Now’ DVD

actress Jessie Wallace, 50, has been cautioned for an alleged attack in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, this weekend. The BBC star, who has played Kat Slater on and off for two decades, allegedly assaulted a police officer outside Verve nightclub.

Jessie has accepted the caution after the alleged attack occurred in the early hours of yesterday morning.

The incident is said to have happened at around 2am yesterday, with a police spokesman confirming that a 50-year-old woman was cautioned after being held on suspicion of assaulting a police officer and drunk and disorderly conduct.

The Suffolk Police spokesman said: “A 50-year-old woman was arrested early on Sunday morning in St Andrew’s Street, Bury St Edmunds, on suspicion of assaulting a police officer/ drunk and disorderly conduct and was released without charge after receiving a conditional caution.”

A source said the star was accompanied by a man when she was held by three officers after becoming abusive, according to the Mirror.

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Jessie was arrested (Image: GETTY/BBC)


The incident happened outside a nightclub (Image: GETTY)

A MailOnline video clip clearly shows the actress being arrested, with an officer claiming: “You’ve assaulted me.”

Express.co.uk have contacted Jessie’s representatives for comment.

Jessie’s press representative declined to comment, while her agent is yet to respond.

In order to accept a conditional caution, a suspect must sign a document confirming an admission to the offence along with details of what they did.

It is not a conviction, but it is used as an alternative to a charge and is recorded on the Police National Computer.


Jessie is an EastEnders legend (Image: GETTY)


Jessie plays Kat Slater (Image: GETTY)

It is marked as spent three months after the date of issue but can still be used in any possible future criminal proceedings as evidence of character.

Back in 2020, Jessie was suspended from EastEnders for two months after reports claimed she was “drunk on set”.

An insider at the time said: “Bosses were left with no choice but to discipline her.

“During the meeting she was told to sort herself out before returning to work.


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“It’s such a shame Jessie’s out for a while because this really is such an exciting and historic time for everyone working on the show,” they told the Mirror.

Speaking in 2006, Jessie spoke not only about alcohol, but trying drugs as well.

She said: “I wanted to see what it was like. I've done it at parties and taken hard stuff with friends. I've never been a complete druggie. I regret it now.

“For a period it was getting out of control. I went through a phase of not caring about what I did when I was drunk," she confessed.

"Every time I was drinking I got into trouble. I guess sometimes I did provoke it. Everywhere I went there was trouble, trouble, trouble.

“I had to let people know the truth so I can put it all behind me. I regret all of it and I don't ever want to do it again.

"In the past I'd answer back, but no more," Jessie continued. "I don't need the hassle. 

“I've got Tallulah [her daughter] to worry about now. Having her was the turning point,” she told News of the World.

Jessie has been playing the iconic Kat Slater since 2000 and gave birth to daughter Tallulah, 17, in 2004.

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