Alan Sugar brands Johnny Depp a 'nutter’ and Amber Heard ‘tuppence short of two bob’

LORD ALAN SUGAR has branded Johnny Depp a "nutter" and Amber Heard "tuppence short of two bob" on social media.

By Hannah McGreevy, Content Editor

Amber Heard speaks of first time Johnny Depp 'allegedly' hit her

has referred to the actor as a “nutter” and his famous ex-wife as “tuppence short of two bob” on . star reached these conclusions on social media after questioning the necessity of the couple’s ongoing court battle.

Alan, 75, took to social media last week to ask about the ongoing defamation trial between Amber and Johnny. 

Reaching out to his 5.2 million Twitter followers on Thursday, he asked: “Can someone explain to me what Johnny Depp's case against his ex wife Amber Heard is all about? 

“The headlines are defamation. What does he expect to gain?

“Both of them are washing their dirty laundry in public. WHY?”

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Lord Sugar

Lord Sugar weighed in on the legal battle (Image: GETTY)

Lord Sugar

Lord Sugar hosts The Apprentice on BBC One (Image: GETTY)

One Twitter user, Gertdog, replied to Alan with negative comments about Amber. 

They wrote: “She has spent 6 years accusing him of things he didn't do and ruined his life, now it's his time to tell the world the truth. 

“She's a big fat liar, and they have proved that,” they claimed. 

The trial remains ongoing and there have not yet been any legal judgements made.


Johnny is suing his ex wife for defamation (Image: GETTY)


Amber is counter-suing Johnny (Image: GETTY)

In response to Gertdog, Alan wrote: “He is f..... nutter and she seems tuppence short of two bob.” (sic)

The phrase Alan used to describe Amber is typically used to suggest that someone is not very bright or mentally unhinged. 

The Twitter user then hit back sarcastically: “Ahh I didn't realise you know them both.

“Clearly you're not following the trial or looked at the evidence or you wouldn't have asked,” they added. (sic)


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Gertdog then continued to argue with several other Twitter users in the comments, including one that said: “Nothing is yet proven, one word against another at the moment unfortunately.”

Johnny is currently in the process of suing his ex-wife in a $50 million libel case over an article she wrote in The Washington Post in 2018.

In the article, Amber claimed to be a domestic violence survivor, though she didn't name Johnny as the perpetrator.

Johnny claims that he was the implied abuser and that it destroyed his career.


The trial seats seven jurors and is expected to last around six weeks.

Amber is also counter-suing her ex-husband for $100 million.

She accuses Johnny of orchestrating a “smear campaign” against her and describes his lawsuit as a continuation of “abuse and harassment”.

The court battle, which is taking place at a court in Fairfax, Virginia, is set to resume on 16 May.

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