BBC Sewing Bee fans all make the same complaint about show theme

The Great British Sewing Bee was back on BBC One for Reduce Reuse Recycle week.

By Gemma Jones, Showbiz Reporter

Sewing Bee: Theme announced ahead of Tuesday's show

The Great British Sewing Bee was back on BBC One for another week of marvellous creations - but fans all made the same complaint as they asked if the clothing was "really wearable" despite the eco-friendly theme.

Kiell Smith-Bynoe was back at the helm of the BBC fashion show, as some of the country’s best home sewers created exquisite and imaginative garments under the watchful eyes of judges Esme Young and Patrick Grant. The remaining sewers competed in Reduce Reuse Recycle week as they created thrifty styles, saving scraps of fabric from landfills.

In the first challenge, the sewers were asked to make quilted bags using fabric scraps sandwiched between sheets of organza. Later, the transformation challenge saw the contestants making a whole new item of clothing out of textile waste in a colour palette of their choosing before taking discarded wedding dresses and creating looks fit for a party in the made-to-measure challenge.

Lots of fans on social media were delighted with the eco-savvy theme, as the show revealed that 92 billion kilos of textile waste go to landfill each year. They added that every eighth of a second a huge pile of clothing is discarded.

Viewers at home used the creative show as inspiration for their own projects. Posting to X (formerly Twitter), one social media user shared: "This is a brilliant week of firsts for reduce reuse recycle week.

Great British Sewing Bee

Fans complained as they asked if the clothes were wearable (Image: BBC)

"I've never seen so many colourfully dyed wedding dresses and to transform one into menswear is a great Upcycling idea! #SewingBee."

Another wrote: "Always absolutely love Reduce reuse recycle week on #SewingBee. Totally gonna make an organza padded tote bag out of scraps at the weekend!"

But others thought that the outfits that were created defeated the purpose of the theme of the week. They all asked what would happen to the clothing designs when the cameras stopped rolling.

Great British Sewing Bee

The contestants faced three more challenges before one sewer was sent home (Image: BBC)

One user said: "Don't get me wrong, I LOVE reduce, reuse, recycle week on #SewingBee but the irony that probably all of these transformation challenge items will just get binned because they're unwearable..."

A second posted: "Are these clothes ever meant to be actually worn by anyone? #SewingBee". Another wrote: "Not sure any of these will be good, #SewingBee."

Someone else penned: "I really want to enjoy ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ week on sewing bee. It’s basically my whole sewing blogging life!! But Not vibing with this at all!! #greatbritishsewingbee #sewingbee #GBSB."

The Great British Sewing Bee airs Tuesdays at 9pm on BBC One

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