Corrie fans 'work out' who will go down for Lauren's murder - but it's not the real killer

Coronation Street's Lauren Bolton has been missing from the Cobbles since February, with Roy Cropper currently in prison for her murder.

By Jennie Buzaglo, Showbiz Reporter

Coronation Street teaser: What happened to Lauren?

Coronation Street viewers believe someone will be framed for Lauren Bolton's (played by Cait Fitton) murder. Lauren has been missing from the Cobbles since February and is now presumed dead.

The last person to see Lauren alive was Roy Cropper (David Neilson) and he is currently in prison for her murder. This week, viewers will finally learn what happened to Lauren and the identity of the person who took her.

But fans are certain a twist could be in store involving newcomer Kit Green (Jacob Roberts). Kit, who is the biological son of Bernie Winter (Jane Hazlegrove), was brought to Weatherfield to investigate Lauren's disappearance.

During Monday's instalment (May 29) of the ITV soap, Sarah (Tina O'Brien) was on a mission to link Lauren's case to Nathan (Chris Harper), who recently returned after years in prison.

Sarah and Kit Coronation Street

Kit caught Sarah trying to plant evidence to frame Nathan (Image: FROM ITV STRICT EMBARGO - No Use Before Tuesday 21st May 2024 Coronation Street - 1127677 Monday )

Nathan was sent to prison alongside other members of a grooming gang for raping Bethany (Lucy Fallon) and conspiracy to commit rape. Sarah came up with a plan to frame Nathan for Lauren's disappearance, using a hair tie containing her DNA to plant in his van.

However, she was stopped in her tracks by Kit, who reminded her that if Nathan was guilty, her actions could cause him to go free. Later, Kit searched Nathan's van and arrested him for breaching his sexual harm prevention order after finding a package of USB sticks.

This has led viewers to believe that Kit is out to frame both Nathan and Joel (Calum Lill) for Lauren's murder. One wrote: "Bernie's son the cop is going to frame Nathan and Joel. He had already arranged for them usb's to be planted prior to his search that was why he wanted Sarah away from there."

Nathan Curtis Corrie

Viewers believe Kit is going to frame Nathan for Lauren's murder (Image: FROM ITV STRICT EMBARGO - No Use Before Tuesday 7th May 2024 Coronation Street - Ep 1126667 Wedne)

They continued: "Now he will also plant the hairband and has a reason for full vehicle search. Now as for Joel, it was his car that had the necklace planted in it prior to a search (which will now have nothing in it until Hope walks up in public to deedee and says she found it during a car clean) Deedee saw Roys drawing and will recognise it."

The fan went on: "The connection is going to be Joel is Nathan's solicitor and it was him who got Nathan out early. Bernie's son is going to have a daughter (or other female relative ) that Nathan seduced and abused."

Another agreed: "I have said from the very beginning of all this that my money was on Joel. I still hold to that." A third responded: "Good theory." A fourth replied: "I think you're right. It's now Joel."

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