Kit Harington SHOCK Game of Thrones outburst: How Jon Snow actor REALLY feels about finale

GAME OF THRONES season 8 finale has finally aired - and fans and critics alike have not been shy with their opinions. Kit Harington who played Jon Snow in HBO’s fantasy epic has something to say to those who badmouth the show.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Kit Harington SHOCK

Kit Harington SHOCK: The Jon Snow star has some choice words for critics (Image: GETTY/ HBO)

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Game of Thrones captured the imaginations of viewers around the world with its twists, brutal deaths and ongoing battle for the Iron Throne. The final episode of Game of Thrones season 8 has finally aired - and fans and critics have not been shy with their opinions. Some are disappointed with the finale, others wish for a different ending and more than one million have signed a petition to remake the series.

Game of Thrones started in 2011, as the adaptation of George R R Martin’s book series of the same title.

The series was unafraid to kill off major characters, shock audiences and wow viewers with its stunning visual effects.

Now that, after eight years, the HBO series has come to a dramatic end, some are voicing their disappointment at how the series ended.

On Twitter, one viewer wrote: “You’re telling me yesterday’s episode of Game of Thrones actually happened and it wasn’t just a nightmare?”

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Kit Harington SHOCK

Kit Harington SHOCK: The Jon Snow star has some choice words for critics (Image: GETTY)

The Telegraph’s Michael Deacon gave the finale one star out of five and called the entire eighth season of Game of Thrones a “dismaying calamity”.

Whilst The Independent’s Nick Hilton gave it two stars, saying the final episode was “as unexpected and subversive as the best that the series has had to offer; and as misjudged and hammy as its worst.”

There was some positivity in the aftermath, as the Guardian’s Lucy Mangan gave the finale four out of five stars and argued the episode had righted some previous wrongs.

The Times’ Chris Bennion also gave the episode titled The Iron Throne four stars, but dubbed it “a compromise”.

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But Kit Harington, who portrayed brooding and troubled Jon Snow in the series, has some choice words for critics of the show.

Kit told Esquire: “I think no matter what anyone thinks about this season — and I don’t mean to sound mean about critics here — but whatever critic spends half an hour writing about this season and makes their judgment on it, in my head they can go f**k themselves.

“Because I know how much work was put into this.”

“Because they cared about it so much. Because they cared about the characters. Because they cared about the story. Because they cared about not letting people down.

“Now if people feel let down by it, I don’t give a f**k That’s how I feel."

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Kit Harington SHOCK

Kit Harington SHOCK: The actor has no time for critics (Image: HBO)

And Kit isn’t the only Game of Thrones cast member who has spoken out against the show's critics. 

Sophie Turner, who played Sansa Stark, told The New York Times, “So many people worked so, so hard on it, and for people to just rubbish it because it’s not what they want to see is just disrespectful.”

The finale has also received approval from Game of Thrones creator George R R Martin, who gave fans his verdict on his blog titled Not A Blog.

The author wrote of the Game of Thrones finale and its comparison to his books: “I am working in a very different medium than David and Dan (Benioff and Weiss, co-creators and showrunners), never forget. They had six hours for this final season.

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“I expect these last two books of mine will fill 3000 manuscript pages between them before I’m done.

“And if more pages and chapters and scenes are needed, I’ll add them.

“There are characters who never made it onto the screen at all, and others who died in the show but still live in the books.

“So if nothing else, the readers will learn what happened to Jeyne Poole, Lady Stoneheart, Penny and her pig, Skahaz Shavepate, Arianne Martell, Darkstar, Victarion Greyjoy, Ser Garlan the Gallant, Aegon VI, and a myriad of other characters both great and small that viewers of the show never had the chance to meet.

Kit Harington SHOCK

Kit Harington SHOCK: Sophie Turner (Sansa) said the backlash was unfair (Image: HBO)

Kit Harington SHOCK

Kit Harington SHOCK: George R R Martin wrote on his blog about the show compared to his books (Image: GETTY)

“And yes, there will be unicorns… of a sort…”

Fans have also questioned whether the book ending would match that of the show.

George wrote: “Book or show, which will be the ‘real’ ending?

“It’s a silly question…It’s a silly question. How many children did Scarlett O’Hara have?

“How about this? I’ll write it. You read it. Then everyone can make up their own mind, and argue about it on the internet.”

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