Thailand cave rescue: How divers used up ALL their air in first rescue mission

THE THAI cave rescue operation is well underway, with eight of the 13 trapped football players and their coach saved from the snaking cave complex during two rescue missions over two days.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Ambulances holding the rescued boys

The rescued boys are immediately transferred to hospital after being rescued (Image: EPA)

The youth football team had been trapped in the caves for 15 days before rescue operations began yesterday. 

The 12 young boys and their 25-year-old football coach had been exploring the caves after a match when rains caused the Tham Luang caverns to flood.

Any rescue attempts had to be carefully orchestrated as the cave complex consists of deep water, narrow passageways and steep climbs.

When first found the boys were weak and hungry but in otherwise good condition. 

They have since been given rudimentary diving lessons, and their strength has grown thanks to food, water and oxygen supplies into the cave.

Rescue attempts are dangerous and time-sensitive, as it is currently monsoon season in Thailand, and a bout of heavy rainfall could endanger those still trapped further.

Monsoon season lasts from May to November in Thailand and is a period of increased rainfall and thunderstorms.

The first rescue attempt began yesterday and saw two divers guiding each boy through the labyrinth of caves.

Thai cave rescue: Eighth boy recovered from cave

The boys are required to dive, walk, climb and wade in order to escape the snaking route within the cave complex.

A guide rope has been fed through the full length of the escape route, with one diver escorting the boys holding their oxygen tank to make swimming as easy as possible for the novice divers.

Speaking to a press conference after the first rescue operation, former Chaing Rai governor Narongsak Osottanakorn told of how the operation had gone as smoothly as possible.

Standing in the rescue base at the mouth of the caves Mr Narongsak said: “It was a very smooth operation, I am very grateful for everyone involved.”

Rescuers prepare to enter the caves

Rescuers prepare to enter the Tham Luang caves (Image: AFP)

However, despite the smoothness of the rescue, the danger was made apparent when Mr Narongsak told of the divers running out of oxygen at the end of the mission.

“I’m glad that we have successfully completed the mission for the first four boys, but we have to prepare more oxygen supplies as we used them all up for this first operation.”

The boys wore “full face masks” and divers “carried them through the passages in the cave complex” said Mr Narongsak.

The first boy was rescued at 5.40pm on Sunday evening, with the second to be rescued following shortly after at 5.50pm.

Running out of oxygen is a very real danger, with an ex-Thai Navy SEAL diver having sadly died following an expedition to transport supplies into the cave.

Saman Gunan’s air supply ran out, and he was found unresponsive by colleagues who pulled him from the water.

Fellow divers involved in the operation have said that they will "not let the sacrifice of our friend go to waste".

If the operation follows the same timeline as yesterday, the rescue of the four remaining boys and their coach could go ahead tomorrow should weather conditions permit.

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