Thailand cave rescue: Doctor DEMANDS new plan warning ‘weakest may die if not saved NOW'

THE THAI cave rescue plan was dramatically changed after a doctor warned the weakest of the 12 boys trapped in a cave could die unless they are rescued, reversing an earlier plan to save the strongest members of the football team first.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Thai cave rescue: Eighth boy recovered from cave

Anaesthetist and expert cave diver Dr Richard Harris bravely made his way into the Tham Luang Nang Non cave in northern Chiang Rai province on Sunday afternoon to carry out medical visits to the 12 boys and their coach.

After the health check-up, Dr Harris found some of the boys were too weak to be allowed to remain in the cave and regain their strength, as originally planned.

In his assessment, he urged Thai authorities to dramatically change their initial strategy to extract the strongest boys first and to instead take the weaker boys out as soon as possible.

Following Dr Harris’ advice, four of the 12 trapped young boys were brought to safety hours after his consultation. 

Rescue operations were halted during the night, and were resumed today at about 10.30am BST (4.30pm local time) after divers placed fresh oxygen tanks along the exit route.

Four more boys have been rescued so far today, with authorities racing against time to bring as many people as possible to safety before forecasted thunderstorms hit the province and further raise the water level.

Experts say the whole rescue operation could take between two and four days, depending on weather conditions.

The help of Dr Harris, from Adelaide, Australia, has been requested by the British divers leading the operation for his 30-year long diving experience. 

thai cave rescue doctor richard harris plan rescue boys latest update

Thai authorities' original plan was to rescue the stronger boys first (Image: AFP/GETTY/REUTERS)

thai cave rescue doctor richard harris plan rescue boys latest update

Map of Tham Luang Nang Non cave in northern Chiang Rai (Image: EXPRESS)

And he also has already worked on retrieving bodies from caves.

In 2011 he famously found the body of diver Agnes Milowka who drowned after running out of air in Australia’s Tank Cave.

David Strike, a dive event organiser who has known Dr Harris for more than a decade told Fairfax: “He's been diving for over 30 years, and readily embraced advances in diving technology to better help him explore and photograph caves in Australia and overseas.

“In the past few years, he's been involved in cave-diving explorations in Australia, China, Christmas Island and New Zealand. He has an active interest in diving safety and accident investigation. 

“Quite apart from his own cave exploration experiences, as an anaesthetist and a medical professional who is also involved in retrieval medicine, he has always struck me as a person who is capable of calmly assessing any situation and then acting appropriately.”

The 12 members of the Wild Boars football team and their coach went missing after they ventured into the cave to explore it and celebrate one of the boys’ birthday on June 23.

Despite having entered the cave in good weather conditions, they remained trapped when monsoon rains started falling.

The operation is deemed difficult not only for the water level but also for the lack of space in the narrow tunnels. 

thai cave rescue doctor richard harris plan rescue boys latest update

A helicopter lands at a military airport in Chiang Rai (Image: AFP)

Thai cave rescue: Doctor reveals health issues boys could face

The escape route has already proved much even for experienced divers.

Samarn Poonan, a former member of Thailand's elite navy SEAL unit, died on Thursday night after entering the cave to lay oxygen tanks along a potential exit route.

The cause of death is believed to have been lack of oxygen. 

Among the tens of people taking part to the operations, seven British experienced cave divers have spearheaded yesterday's operation. 

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