Thai cave rescue update: How are the trapped boys escaping the cave?

A THAILAND youth football team trapped in Tham Luang caves for 16 days are being rescued by a team of expert divers. But how are the trapped boys escaping the cave?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Rescuers entering the caves

Rescuers entering the caves, the path is steep and treacherous (Image: AFP)

The group of 12 boys and their football coach had been exploring the caves when rainfall caused flooding, trapping them on a ledge deep in the winding caverns. 

Rescue operations had initially been put on hold to ensure the boys had regained enough strength to make the treacherous 3.2km trek out of the caves.  

Rescuers have taught the boys diving skills, as the path out of the cave involves being submerged for periods of time. 

The boys have been trapped since June 23 and yesterday divers entered the cave to begin rescue operations, successfully freeing four of the boys.

The rescue mission was paused overnight in order for rescuers to rest and oxygen tanks be replaced. Operations have now resumed. 

How are the trapped boys escaping the cave?

The Tham Luang cave system is a snaking labyrinth of tunnels which are currently flooded, making rescue complicated. 

It is monsoon season in Thailand, a period of extended rainfall that lasts between May and November. 

Thai cave rescue: Eighth boy recovered from cave

The threat of heavy rain could hamper rescue attempts further, meaning Thai officials have had to act quickly to free the football team. 

Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop has said today she believes the boys will be rescued in groups of four. 

A team of 19 Australian divers are assisting with the rescue operation.  

Speaking in a TV interview on Monday morning, Ms Bishop revealed that the Australian divers had taken part in yesterday’s successful mission. 

Sign for the Tham Luang caves

The boys had been trapped in the caves for 15 days before the first rescue attempt was made (Image: AFP)

The initial rescue team is made up of 13 foreign divers and five Thai navy seals, with an overall team of 90 divers taking part in the rescue operation. 

This team of 90 divers, consists of 40 from Thailand and 50 from overseas.

The boys will face periods of walking, wading, climbing and diving in order to make their way out of the cave system.

Rescuers have placed guide ropes along the route, and two divers will accompany each boy with one diver carrying the air supply. 

Rescued boy in an ambulance

Rescuers placing one of the boys into an ambulance (Image: EPA)

For the novice divers, full face masks will be worn as they are easier to use than traditional respirators. 

The toughest part of the route is a section at almost halfway called “T-Junction”, which due to its narrowness causes divers to remove their air tanks to fit through. 

The journey through the snaking cave system is highly dangerous, as the death of a former Thai navy diver on Friday proved. 

Saman Gunan had been on his way back from taking air tanks to the trapped boys when his own air supply ran out. 

After losing consciousness and being pulled from the cave by colleagues he could not be revived. 

His fellow divers have declared that they will "not let the sacrifice of our friend go to waste".

For the latest live updates on the ongoing rescue, follow our live blog.

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