Syria prepares for WAR: Assad moves military jets in response to Trump missile threat

SYRIA'S military has moved some of its air assets to avoid the fallout from potential missile strikes following Donald Trump's threats of military action against Syria, US officials revealed.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Ex-UK Ambassdor calls for Russia to be punished over Syria attack

The officials declined further comment and it was not clear whether the Syrian moves would impact US military planning for potential action against Syria over a suspected poison gas attack, Reuters reported. 

But this move could limit the damages that a joint airstrike conducted by the US and its allies would have on the Syrian army, should the Western countries decide to turn words into actions. 

A similar assessment was delivered yesterday by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based war monitor, which said that pro-Syrian government forces were emptying main airports and military air bases.

After days of warnings, US President Mr Trump made clear that he is willing to punish the Syrian government by tweeting yesterday that Russia, one of Syria's key allies, should "get ready" for missiles to be fired at Damascus. 

The US were joined in their outcry against the chemical attack by the UK and France, which have agreed to work together and are believed to be preparing for a military strike in response to the alleged chemical attack at the weekend.

Prime Minister Theresa May is said to be ready to approve a British military response to the attack without seeking parliamentary approval, the BBC reported.  

Speaking to Channel 4 News yesterday, Mrs May said: “The first stage is for us to be assessing with our partners and allies what has actually happened in  on the ground.

“Obviously what we’ve seen is a chemical weapons attack, an appalling chemical weapons attack.

“If this is the responsibility of the Assad regime then it is another example of the irresponsibility and brazen disregard he shows for his people.

“And we believe that those responsible should be held to account.” 

Mrs May spoke to President Trump over the phone on Tuesday afternoon to discuss their joint response to the attack.

A Downing Street spokesperson said: “They agreed that reports of a chemical weapons attack in Syria were utterly reprehensible and if confirmed, represented further evidence of the Assad regime’s appalling cruelty against its own people and total disregard for its legal obligations not to use these weapons.”

A spokesperson for the President said: “Both leaders condemned Syrian President Assad’s vicious disregard for human life. The president and Prime Minister agreed not to allow the use of chemical weapons to continue.” 

syria chemical gas attack syrian army jets trumpGETTY

The Syrian military may be getting ready to face a US air strike

Despite Syria's President Bashar al-Assad and his government denied launching the chemical attack on the rebel-held town of Douma on Saturday, Mr Trump called him a "gas killing animal" in one of his tweets. 

The US President tweeted: “Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and 'smart'!

"You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!” 

A representative from the State Department said that reports show that at least 40 perople were killed during the attack

The representative also added that Russia shares the blame of the attack with Syria. He said: “The [Assad] regime’s history of using chemical weapons against its own people in not in dispute. 

Theresa May: Use of chemical weapons cannot go unchallenged

"As we’ve said, Russia ultimately bears responsibility for the brutal targeting of countless Syrians with chemical weapons.

"Russia’s protection of the Assad regime and failure to stop the use of chemical weapons in Syria calls into question its commitment to resolving the overall crisis.” 

Senior Russian officials said that any US military action would find a response.  

Russia's Foreign Ministry said: "Smart missiles should fly towards terrorists, not towards the lawful government".

The news of the Syrian military's action comes while Bolivia asked for the United Nations Security Council to meet on Thursday  and discuss "the escalation of rhetoric regarding Syria and these threats of unilateral military action".

Bolivia's UN ambassador, Sacha Sergio Llorentty Soliz, added: "There's a consistency in these threats, so we are concerned because any unilateral action would be a violation of the principles and purposes of the (UN) charter." 

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