‘He’s not PC and NEVER WILL BE’ Former US ambassador PRAISES Trump’s cabinet selection

A FORMER French ambassador to the US has praised Donald Trump’s election win and claimed Rex Tillerson, the billionaire’s newly-appointed secretary of state, is “the right man for the job”.

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A former ambassador has said Rex Tillerson is 'the right man' to be secretary of state

François Bujon de l’Estang said the Exxon Mobil chief was an “imposing man with a strong personality”, before adding that his close ties with the Middle East and Russia would “help” the US.

He told the French daily Le Parisien: “We know very little about Mr Tillerson. But he has relationships far and wide, and knows the Middle East and its leaders better than anyone else. 

“He also has a close working relationship with Mr Putin. His cultural and geopolitical expertise will help him thrive as secretary of state.”

The former ambassador also said the future President had picked an “unusual” team.

He said: “Mr Trump has surrounded himself with far-right generals and powerful men: former military figures, billionaires, and business behemoths. 

“His vice-president Mike Pence, for example, is pro-life and anti-LGBT; and he named Scott Pruitt, a climate sceptic, chief environmental regulator.”

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François Bujon de l’Estang also praised Donald Trump's election win

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Mr Bujon de l’Estang said Mr Tillerson's global relationships would 'help' the US

Mr Bujon de l’Estang added that the president-elect would “run the US like his business,” before commenting on his ‘provocative’ style. 

Mr Trump has surrounded himself with far-right generals and powerful men

François Bujon de l’Estang

He said: “Since his surprise election win, Mr Trump has only met with Barack Obama, his predecessor, once. He has not been back to the White House since and has refused regular intelligence briefings. 

“His nonchalant attitude confirms his disdain for political elites. He is not politically correct, and never will be.”

The former official added that no one could know whether Mr Trump would be a good or a bad president.

He said: “Throughout his campaign, Mr Trump relied on provocative slogans and outrageous statements to garner support. But his ideas are incoherent. 

“He has no real strategy. We don’t whether he will be a good president or a bad one, but sceptics are right to be worried about a Trump presidency.” 

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Mr Trump has only met with Barack Obama once since he won the election

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