Jay Slater LIVE: New theory revealed by expert as family vows to continue search

Jay Slater disappeared in Tenerife two weeks ago after attending a rave in the south of the island, but an ex-cop has weighed in on other avenues he hopes police are pursuing.

Jay Slater.

Jay Slater went missing on June 17 after attending a rave in Tenerife. (Image: Instagram)

A new theory about the disappearance of Jay Slater has emerged after the police ended their latest search party for the missing British teenager who has not been heard from in two weeks.

Ex-Scotland Yard and Met police officer Graham Wettone said "Lots of things just don't add up" and urged Spanish police, who have denied the help of British police, to look into "criminal" lines of investigation.

He told MailOnline: " It seems to me on the face of it that they are just focusing on the mountain, but I would hope they are looking at other avenues and those include criminality. I've been following this case closely and discussing it with colleagues and it's certainly a very bizarre one, lots of things just don't add up."

Just yesterday, the latest search effort was called off after a disappointing six volunteers showed up to help, but Jay's family have vowed to continue looking for him.

A family source in the UK told The Sun : "They will not stop looking for Jay or giving up. They will be staying in Tenerife and trying to do all they can to keep momentum going and to find Jay.

"They’ve been trying to get in touch with groups in Tenerife and beyond who specialise in missing persons. Jay’s family knew the search would eventually wind down. They get that. But it was a nightmare scenario they didn’t want to think about."


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The search for Jay goes on says local mayor

A mayor in Tenerife has insisted police are continuing to investigate several lines of inquiry and defended the decision to call off the search for missing British teenager Jay Slater.

"The investigation that the Civil Guard is carrying out in this case has several lines of inquiry open," local Mayor Emilio Navarro told Sky News.

"It's not that the search has stopped. Maybe, yes, in the territory, the field search, but other lines are open."

Jay Slater search

Mayor Emilio Navarro (Image: Sky News)

Life goes back to normal in Jay Slater search village

Masca has now returned to normal, with both foreign tourists and locals passing through, the BBC reports.

The only indication that there is a missing person investigation are the few posters put up by Jay’s family in the nearby town of Santiago del Teide.

The scene contrasts with Saturday when firefighters, police and local volunteers assembled in Masca, before fanning out over the surrounding hillsides.

Brit climber says 'significant' clue found in hunt for Jay

TikTok star and expert climber Paul Arnott, 29, has been searching for Jay in the Tenerife mountains.

In one of his latest videos, he said a pair of sunglasses similar to the ones Jay was last seen wearing had been found close to where his mobile phone last pinged.

The video, which has since been deleted, shows a pair of broken black shades on the ground near to the Mirador viewing point, the area where Jay’s phone was last tracked 14 days ago in the Rural de Teno park, near the village of Masca.

“There have been some new developments and these sunglasses could be key,” Paul told MailOnline.

“They were found by an army guy called Chris who lives here. I don't want to go into too much detail yet but the family have them and are looking at them.

“They could be Jay's, they are very similar to ones he has and we are waiting to see. It could be very significant.”

Jay Slater's dad reveals disappointment over search

Jay Slater's dad said he felt let down after only a handful of people turned up to help search for his missing son.

"It's a bit disappointing that there are no British apart from Paul [Arnott], but I suppose to them he's just a British lad who's come out here and got drunk," he told the Daily Mail.

Warren also hit back at those criticising the family online for not joining the search, explaining the dangers involved: "I'm grateful to those who have come out here because you can see just how dangerous it is and what gets me is the trollers who are having a go at us for not searching.

"It's not the local park, these are big mountains, the terrain is dangerous, put yourself in our position would you go out in these conditions?"

Investigator reveals family hit with fake ransom demands as search called off

Jay Slater’s family has reportedly been sent "vile threats and ransom demands" about the missing 19-year-old.

According to former detective Mark Williams-Thomas, who flew to Tenerife to join the search effort for the apprentice bricklayer from Lancashire, relatives of Jay have been the target of cruel online trolls.

He said: "So much fake content has been created in the Jay Slater case - mocked up chat, messages, pics. It’s a very different world we live in today with social media and online detectives.

"Overwhelming response from people has been very positive people just wanting to help, even though most have no direct info, just what they have read, seen or think.

"Also a number of people making vile threats and ransom demands (all checked out and have no credibility)."

Jay Slater

Jay's family have faced trolling online since he went missing. (Image: Supplied)

GoFundMe donations hit £45K after mum gives heart-breaking search update

More than £45,000 has been raised in a campaign launched to assist in locating missing 19-year-old Jay Slater in Tenerife, while his "heartbroken" family pledges to persist with the search.

The GoFundMe to 'Get Jay Slater Home' has hit £46,000 and, last week before the search ended, Mrs Duncan gave a heartbreaking update.

She said: "First, I would like to thank everyone for your support, kind messages, and good wishes. It's difficult to wrap our heads around what is happening right now, but we are not losing hope that we will find Jay and return home together.

"We are currently working with GoFundMe to withdraw part of the funds, which are being safely held. I wanted to share that these funds will be used to support the mountain rescue teams who are tirelessly searching for Jay."

Jay Slater: Search area in Tenerife appears deserted

Volunteers vow to keep going despite Tenerife police calling off search

Volunteers searching for missing British tourist Jay Slater have vowed to continue looking for him - hours after police in Tenerife called off their search.

On Sunday, police in Tenerife said they had ended their search near the mountain village of Masca for the missing 19-year-old.

The case remains "under investigation", although a Guardia Civil spokesperson said the "search operation has now finished".

Tiktok climber Paul Annott, who flew to Tenerife to help the search, has been on the island for around a week.

Posting on his account on Sunday, he said: "I'm possibly going to move the search over to another area, either tomorrow (Monday) or this evening (Sunday) but I will tell you about that later."

Mark Thomas-Williams, a former British police officer, is also working with Jay's family in Tenerife and has advised them to bring in experts to carry out a private search using funds from their GoFundMe page - which has raised more than £44,000.

Brit climber reveals new details of his efforts to find Jay Slater

A British climber popular on TikTok has revealed what it was like trying to find Jay Slater in Tenerife as Spanish police announced they've stopped searching for the missing teenager.

Paul Arnott paid £400 to fly out to to help find the 19-year-old, who was last heard from early on June 17.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, he said the search had been "exhausting" for him but he's "not giving up until we find Jay".

He went on to slam the recent search effort as a "ridiculous" waste of time.

He said: "This is ridiculous. Everyone's in their cars, it's all chat, chat, chat. My morning's been wasted. I've been so quiet about this, I'm not doing it anymore. I'm sick of this crap.

"I thought today was going to be so productive. I thought so many people were going to show up. I thought it was going to be massive and it's not. It's absolute madness guys."

Jay Slater

Jay Slater has not been heard from since June 17. (Image: Instagram)

Police in Tenerife 'won't rule out' major new theory as search called off

Spanish police have refused to say whether Jay Slater's disappearance is linked to a reported scuffle outside a nightclub at a Tenerife resort.

One of Jay's friends told detectives the incident, in which a man allegedly had his Rolex stolen, led to the disappearance, MailOnline reports.

A theory reportedly being looked into is that the watch ended up at a remote Airbnb in the village of Masca where Jay travelled to with two men after attending a rave in the south of the island.

Tenerife's Guardia Civil continues to treat Jay's case as a missing person investigation rather than a criminal probe.

'I'm an ex-Scotland Yard detective - Spanish police must re-examine one area'

A former Scotland Yard detective said Spanish police searching for British teenager Jay Slater in Tenerife must re-examine one area.

Graham Wettone, who served in the Metropolitan Police for three decades, urged Spanish police to have another look in the Airbnb Jay stayed at with two men he met a rave before disappearing.

Wettone told MailOnline: "They seem to be focusing primarily on the fact that they were told he wandered off into the mountain, but we are now almost two weeks in, and nothing has been found up there.

"I would hope that they have at least secured the Airbnb because if evidence is there then it will need to be gathered.

"But to be honest, I would even go back further to the days leading up to his disappearance - have they checked his bank accounts for anything untoward in the hours before he went missing."

Jay Slater detective finds 'important' new information on missing teen as search ends

A former British detective has highlighted "a number of outstanding actions" in the Jay Slater case.

Despite Spanish authorities calling off their search efforts, the mission to find the 19-year-old from Lancashire continues with his family and volunteers persisting in their efforts.

Mark Williams-Thomas, an ex-police officer turned investigative journalist said he's spoken to key witnesses and gathered confidential details that offer a clearer view of Jay's activities before he went missing.

Following the end of the formal search by Spanish police, he said: "Although the police search in the mountains and around Masca has concluded, the police investigation into Jay Slater's disappearance remains ongoing.

"In regard to our investigation we have been able to speak to important witnesses and now have a very detailed picture of Jay's movements over the 16th and 17th, along with important background information. We still have a number of outstanding actions, but have given the family a preliminary breakdown of findings.

"In light of the police search ending, I have suggested the family should use the GoFundMe money to continue the search using experts in searching. I would appeal again, if you have any 'direct information' having spoken to Jay or anyone that was with him overnight 16/17th and have not yet been in contact please do so."

Search for Jay Slater in Tenerife called off by Spanish police

Family to meet with Tenerife police today after hunt called off

Jay Slater's family are set to meet with Spanish police today after the search for the British tourist was called off yesterday.

Jay's family has vowed to continue the search themselves after being left "disappointed" when only six volunteers showed up to help launch a "massive search" on Saturday.

Spanish police said on Sunday: "The search operation is over. Yesterday was the final day of the search."

Jay's father Warren said: "It's a bit disappointing that there are no British apart from Paul but I suppose to them he's just a British lad who's come out here and got drunk."

Despite the disappointment, Warren said he was "grateful" to those who took part in the search for his son.

He added: "It's tough, it's hard, we are leaving it to the professionals and I'm grateful for those who have turned out today and I want to thank them for what they are doing."

Jay Slater's family 'heartbroken' and desperate for answers after Tenerife search called off

The latest search effort for Jay Slater was called off on Sunday after a disappointing six volunteers turned up to help, leaving his family "heartbroken".

A family source told the Sun that parents Debbie and Warren, and brother Zak - who are all still in Tenerife - are feeling a "sense of bewilderment".

His family were said to be "dreading" waking up to the search being called off as the source called it a "nightmare scenario".

They were left "blindsided" by the speed at which the decision to end the search was made.

But close family friend Rachel Hargreaves, who has joined them in Tenerife, said: "Nothing has changed. We will continue to search for him."

Jay Slater and mum Debbie Duncan

Jay's mum has also announced that she will be withdrawing the GoFundMe money. (Image: Instagram/ITV)

Ex-Scotland Yard cop issues urgent Airbnb warning

Experienced police officer Graham Wettone called on Spanish police to look into the Airbnb Jay Slater stayed at before disappearing, as it could be a point of interest.

Jay met two men at a rave in the south of Tenerife and stayed the night at their Airbnb before going missing on June 17. Police ruled them out as "irrelevant" to the case but Wettone thinks otherwise.

He told MailOnline: "I've been following this case closely and discussing it with colleagues and it's certainly a very bizarre one, lots of things just don't add up."

"I'm sure the Spanish police kept their details and if need be can go back to them and investigate them with the help of British police.

"I know people are saying these two should have been kept but unless there is any real incriminating evidence it would be hard to keep them in Spain.

"That's why I would start again from the beginning and speak to all the witnesses again. I would hope that they have at least secured the Airbnb because if evidence is there then it will need to be gathered."

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