Jay Slater: 'Drugs fraternity' on Tenerife spoken to in bid to find missing teenager

The investigation into the whereabouts of missing Jay Slater and what happened to him on June 17 involves both a private detective and Spanish police officers.

By Alice Scarsi, World News Reporter, Helena VestyCharlie Bradley

Mark Williams-Thomas (left) and Jay Slater smiling (right)

Jay Slater went missing on June 17 (Image: Stan Kujawa/Family Handout/LBT Global)

Mark Williams-Thomas, the former British detective investigating the disappearance of Jay Slater, claims he has spoken with many people while trying to shed a light on the whereabouts of the teenager from Lancashire. Among them, he said, were "significant" members in the "drugs fraternity" in Tenerife

Mr Williams-Thomas, who returned to the UK after travelling to Tenerife for a few days, said in a video he released on X with the aim to "clear up" the inaccuracies being shared online about Jay's case: "You will appreciate that as part of our investigation we have spoken to a significant number of witnesses both here in the UK and in Tenerife, including Jay's friends who are fully engaged with us. 

"As such, we have received a significant amount of both personal and sensitive information. We have even spoken to significant individuals in the drug's fraternity in Tenerife. 

"Much of that information is highly sensitive and so therefore we will not be releasing it."

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Jay's mum explains how she will use £48,000 GoFundMe cash

Debbie said: "In the meantime, we will continue to use part of the funds to support the volunteers working hard in the mountains to find Jay.

"We are currently looking after Paul Arnett, putting together a package of any equipment and essentials he needs and going up to do a drop for him. We are also supporting Callum Fahim and his group with accommodation and other essentials.

"The remaining funds will continue to be used to support the rescue teams who are tirelessly searching for Jay as well as our own expenses as we remain in Tenerife looking for our boy."

Detective reveals Jay's friends' 'heartbreaking' advice

Former detective Mark Williams-Thomas has revealed the "heartbreaking" advice Jay's friends gave to him before he disappeared.

When Jay set off on his long walk, at least two people urged him to head back to the Airbnb he has stayed at.

In a long X video, the detective said: “Whilst on the walk he talked to and messaged his friends. Whilst walking Jay spoke to at least three people telling them that he was lost with little phone battery and without water.

“He was told to go back by at least two people to the rental. He said he could not do that and that he’d already been walking 30 minutes and that he was now off-road and was walking on a track where there were loose stones.

“We know that at 8.49 and 8.50 Jay sent his location via both Snapchat and WhatsApp to two friends. We can confirm it was Jay using his phone at that stage and there was no indication that he was with anyone.”

Jay Slater

Jay Slater (Image: Supplied)

Detective 'confident' that Snapchat picture is if missing Jay Slater

Mark Williams-Thomas says is "confident" that a crucial photo is of Jay wearing his "black and green AirMax trainers, which he had on the night he went out".

He said: "On route Jay posted a Snapchat saying that they had taken a £12,000 Rolex from a person. We have been unable to validate this in terms of a reported theft.

"However, friends of Jay he would not make this up and the watch was the subject of a later conversation between them."

Read more here.

The picture shared on Snapchat allegedly shows Jay's feet

The picture shared on Snapchat allegedly shows Jay's feet (Image: Snapchat)

TV investigator breaks down Jay Slater's last movements

TV investigator breaks down Jay Slater's last movements

Former British police detective Mark Williams-Thomas has broken down Jay's suspected last movements.

In a video posted on X, he said: "The evidence is that Jay walked off on the rental, walked for about 30 minutes, and then sent his location at 8.49am and 8.50am. And we know that he was at that stage off the road on a track with loose stones."

He added: "I want to make an appeal for landowners in the area of the rural park to check any outbuildings and land that they have in the hope that further searches will continue by volunteers in the area not yet searched."

Watch the video below...

Tenerife local pinpoints major issue with road teen took in mountains

A new road in the rugged area where Jay Slater was last seen in Tenerife was built just a year ago, according to a local.

Speaking to the Manchester Evening News, the Tenerife native, who chose to remain anonymous, said: "This whole road was built only around a year ago. It was built to make the area safer, to make it easier for people to get in and out of."

The resident added that "there are many tourists and many walkers and hikers" in the area, adding: "The road was supposed to make it safer for them, but here we are."

Calle Turon, the road up to Masca and beyond to Hilda, separates those crossing it from its steep edges with bollards. It is known for its challenging drive marked by blind hairpin turns, steep climbs and drops.

Jay, the 19-year-old apprentice bricklayer from Lancashire who had travelled to Tenerife in mid-June to attend a music festival, was last heard from his friend Lucy at 8.30am on June 17, after he had spent a few hours at a holiday rental in the area with two unnamed British men.

The teenager, who seemingly decided to walk his way back from the Masca area to Los Cristianos where he was staying, told his friend his phone battery was nearly out of charge, he was without water and had cut his leg with a cactus.

Spanish police called off the search on June 30, but continue to investigate Jay's disappearance. 

Landowners asked to do one key thing to help the Jay Slater search

Former British detective Mark Williams-Thomas has pleaded with landowners in the Teno Rural Park area.

In his latest video statement on X, he said: "I now want to make an appeal for landowners in the area of Teno Rural Park to check any outbuildings and land that they have in the hope that further searches would continue by volunteers in the area not yet searched." 

Jay's family in 'total shock and despair', says ex-detective

Mark Williams-Thomas published a new video on X in which he shared some of his "preliminary findings" on the case of Jay Slater's disappearance.

In his video, the former detective spoke about the state in which the distraught loved ones of Jay are.

He also stressed Jay's friends and family are reading many of the comments and theories being shared online, and pleaded with internet users to bear this in mind before posting anything related to the case.

He said: "Overwhelmingly, people are fascinated and as such they want to do their bit to help, whether by doing their own detective work or just providing comment.

"What people often lose sight of, or don't consider, and I am sure a number don't even care, is that Jay's family and close friends read a lot of what is posted online and in the media, and some of it has been very unfair and unkind to a family who right now are in total shock and despair."

Mark Williams-Thomas

Mark Williams-Thomas released a new video (Image: Stan Kujawa)

Jay Slater fundraiser surpasses £48k

The fundraiser organised by Jay Slater's friend Lucy for his family has seen more than 4,000 donations.

As of the late morning of June 3, the GoFundMe page called "Get Jay Slater home" had received more than 4,000 donations, amounting to £48.065. 

The focus of Spanish police's investigation revealed by Jay's mum

In her latest statement, Jay Slater's mum Debbie said the Guardia Civil in Spain is still investigating the disappearance of her son, despite no longer carrying out a search near Masca.

She said: "We do not have any information on his whereabouts. The Guardia Civil have worked tirelessly up in the mountains where Jay's last phone call was traced," she said.

"They conducted a land search for 12 days which involved every resource they had available. Although the land search ended, the Spanish police still continued with their investigations into why Jay had travelled to the location so far away from his accommodation." 

Inside £40-a-night Tenerife Airbnb where Jay Slater was last spotted with two mystery men

Poignant photographs show the inside of the Tenerife Airbnb where British teenager Jay Slater went to the night before he disappeared.

The cottage is listed on Airbnb as set in a "unique natural landscape" and costs £40 per night.

An online post reads: "It is a house with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room and kitchen ideal to enjoy the tranquillity, reading, hiking or nature.

"The house has wifi and all the necessary appliances for a comfortable stay in one of the most beautiful and rugged places on the island, nestled in the heart of Macizo de Teno."

A photo of one of the bedrooms shows a double bed in a cosy room that has a wooden floor and ceiling, with white painted walls. 

Jay Slater's mum makes urgent plea as family reveals 'extremely distressing' detail

Jay Slater's mother Debbie released a fresh statement on Tuesday afternoon, which described the pain and anguish being experienced by the teen's family as well as the impact the behaviour of some internet users is having on the tight-knit group.

She said: "We are aware of the conspiracy theories and speculation on social media and some websites, and can only describe this as vile, the negative comments are extremely distressing to our family."

Jay Slater's mum Debbie

Jay Slater's mum Debbie (Image: ITV NEWS)

Good morning

Good morning from London. I’m Alice Scarsi, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on the disappearance of Jay Slater.

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