‘Death of democracy!’ Second Brexit referendum CONDEMNED by Italian populists

THE founder of Italian anti-establishment party Five Star Movement (M5S) has lashed out against the supporters of a second Brexit referendum, saying it would be the “death of democracy”.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Beppe Grillo, an Italian stand-up comedian, founded the anti-establishment and eurosceptic Five Star Movement (M5S) in October 2009, less than 10 years before the movement took the country by storm and formed a coalition Government. The M5S leader dismissed the mere idea of holding a new referendum on Brexit, saying it would diminish the British democracy itself. He told Sky News: “If you have referendum after referendum, it'll never end. 

A second vote will simply lead to discussion of a third, and then a fourth, and then you are always going to just flip-flop between the side that feels let-down

Beppe Grillo

"A second vote will simply lead to discussion of a third, and then a fourth, and then you are always going to just flip-flop between the side that feels let-down."

This going back and forth to the polling station would be “the death of democracy”, Mr Grillo added.

The comedian, who has never run for a seat in the Italian Parliament but has always preferred to be seen as the ideological leader of the movement, has been a vocal supporter of Nigel Farage’s party, Ukip, and backed the alliance in the European Parliament between the British party and his movement.

And in the run-up to the EU referendum, Mr Grillo supported the Leave campaign, which also helped to fuel his party’s anti-EU sentiment and gain momentum for a referendum anti-euro in Italy. 

brexit news second referendum beppe grillo five star movement italy

Beppe Grillo, founder of the Five Star Movement, spoke against holding a second Brexit referendum (Image: GETTY)

The M5S pulled the referendum proposal from its programme before running for the 2018 elections and has since said leaving the eurozone would be Italy’s last resource if all the party’s attempts to reform the European Union failed.

But despite welcoming the Brexit vote's result, calling it an “era-defining change” for Europe, Mr Grillo has now tuned down his Brexit enthusiasm in front of the difficulties experienced by the British Government in the past two years of negotiations.

He said: “You'd have to be a mind-reader to know what would happen.

"Everything is constantly changing, it's difficult to predict. 

brexit news second referendum beppe grillo five star movement italy

Beppe Grillo supported the alliance in the European Parliament between M5S and Ukip (Image: GETTY)

brexit news second referendum beppe grillo five star movement italy

Beppe Grillo pushed for a referendum on the eurozone (Image: GETTY)

"And what is said one day, doesn't mean the same, the next."

The Brexit crisis, he added, is "changing the definition of democracy”.

Mr Grillo isn’t the only exponent of Italian politics who has been speaking about in the past weeks. 

brexit news second referendum beppe grillo five star movement italy

Beppe Grillo is the ideological leader of the Five Star Movement (Image: GETTY)

Italy’s interior minister and fierce eurosceptic said following Theresa May’s burning defeat in the Commons on January 15: “What will Great Britain do now? I think they will go back to Brussels and I hope no one in the EU is going to be stubborn.

“The sovereignty belongs to the people.

“Clearly Britons are yet not satisfied with what has been guaranteed by Brussels in the Withdrawal Agreement.”     

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