Midterms elections results: How many seats have the Republicans LOST?

MIDTERM ELECTION results have almost been counted, with only a few seats left to announce. The Democrats proved the polls right, winning the House of Representatives. But how many seats have the Republicans lost?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

America in 'civil war' following midterm elections says author

Voters took to the polls on Tuesday to have their say in the midterm elections.

The midterm elections take place every four years, in the middle of a President’s term.

President Donald Trump was elected in 2016 and the public has not been able to voice their opinions on his presidency via ballot until now.

Seats in both the House of Representatives and the Senate were up for election, with Democrats and Republicans tirelessly campaigning for voters across the US.

Polls before the election predicted that the Democrats would take the House, whilst Trump’s party, the Republicans would keep the Senate.

This has proved true, with the Democrats so far winning 223 seats out of 435.

Whilst results for some states are on hold as the races have been too close to call, more than 218 seats is a majority meaning the Democrats have taken the House.

Meanwhile, in the Senate, the Republicans have held on to their majority, in what was a tight race.

Follow our live blog on the Midterm Elections here.

US President Donald Trump

MIDTERM ELECTIONS: Trump has been positive on Twitter despite his defeat in the House (Image: REUTERS)

With 51 out of 100 seats, the Senate remains under Republican control.

How many seats have the Republicans LOST?

The results have not been fully counted yet, but as it stands the Republicans have lost 26 seats in the House of Representatives.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s party have gained two seats in the Senate.

The European Union's deputy chief executive hailed Democratic victories in the US midterm elections in comments that took swipe at what he called "rudeness" and "racism" under President Donald Trump.

Read more: Midterm elections 2018: How WOMEN won the day for the Democrats

Donald Trump's tweet

MIDTERMS: Despite Trump's defeat he has deemed the elections a 'success' (Image: AFP)

Frans Timmermans tweeted: ”Inspired by voters in the U.S. who chose hope over fear, civility over rudeness, inclusion over racism, equality over discrimination,"

Timmermans is a former Dutch foreign minister who is first vice president of the European Commission led by Jean-Claude Juncker.

"They stood up for their values. And so will we," he added.

The President has remained upbeat on Twitter despite his loss in the House.

Read More: Midterm Elections 2018: Donald Trump 'MUST be respected' for his skill

Voted sticker

MIDTERM ELECTIONS: If predictions prove correct, 31 million more people voted than in 2014 midterms (Image: AFP)

He took to Twitter quoting Ben Stein, “The Capitalist Code”: “There’s only been 5 times in the last 105 years that an incumbent President has won seats in the Senate in the off-year election.

"Mr Trump has magic about him. This guy has magic coming out of his ears. He is an astonishing vote getter & campaigner.

"The Republicans are unbelievably lucky to have him and I’m just awed at how well they’ve done.

"It’s all the Trump magic - Trump is the magic man. Incredible, he’s got the entire media against him, attacking him every day, and he pulls out these enormous wins.”

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