‘You put immigrants first everytime’ Controversial Swedish right-winger inflames TV debate

SWEDEN Democrats’ leader Jimmie Akesson launched a scathing attack against the country’s immigration policy in the final TV debate before the vote that saw party leaders openly attacking his far-right party.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Mr Akesson lashed out at other party leaders during the televised debate organised by Sweden’s public television broadcaster SVT last night.

Attacking the country’s liberal immigration policy that in 2015 alone led to the arrival in of 162,877 asylum seekers, the Sweden Democrats leader said: "During the last 10 years we've one million more people here, due to irresponsible immigration policies.

"Full healthcare on arrival arrive is not reasonable, there should only be acute treatment."

Figures from Statistics Sweden show the staggering increase in the number of asylum applications recorded in the last eight years. 

You are taking money from the poor and the elderly. You prioritise immigration every time

Jimmie Akesson

In 2010, some 32,000 people applied for asylum, but seven years later the number peaked to almost 170,000.

Anger boiled during the debate, with Mr Akesson being openly criticised for his anti-immigration policies by his rivals.

Jan Björklund, leader of the Liberals, branded his right-wing political opponent “heartless”, while Isabella Lövin, head of the Green Party, accused Mr Akesson of “spreading poisonous words”.

Annie Loof of the Centre Party also weighed in on the anti-Sweden Democrats row, pointing out the benefits brought to the country by immigrants. 

Sweden election 2018: Jimmie Akesson and Annie Loof

Sweden election 2018: Jimmie Akesson and Annie Loof were protagonist of a heated up debate on Friday (Image: EPA/REUTERS)

She said: "You can't talk about care without talking about immigrants.

"How many migrant doctors have saved lives here?

“Akesson denigrates people coming from other countries.

“We couldn’t make it without them."

The wave of criticism didn’t go down well with the Sweden Democrats leader, who accused the other leaders of leaving behind Swedish people to help immigrants. 

Jimmie Akesson

Sweden election 2018: Jimmie Akesson is the leader of right-wing Sweden Democrats (Image: EPA)

Sweden election 2018: Jan Bjorklund

Sweden election 2018: Jan Bjorklund of the Liberals party (Image: REUTERS)

He said: "You are taking money from the poor and the elderly.

“You prioritise immigration every time".

Mr Akesson first gained the political limelight in 2015 accepted by the ruling Social Democratic Party.

Currently holding 49 of the 349 seats up for grabs in the Swedish parliament, the Riksdag, the Sweden Democrats are expected to take the parliament house by storm on Sunday, when Swedish voters will cast their ballot.

The latest poll conducted by YouGov shows the party leading the race, with 24.8 percent of the people saying they will vote for Mr Akesson. 

Sweden election 2018: Jimmie Akesson

Sweden election 2018: Jimmie Akesson accused his rivals of 'putting immigrants first' (Image: GETTY)

This result would represent a 50 percent jump from the result achieved during the 2014 election, 12.9 percent.

The Sweden Democrats are followed by Social Democrats as the second largest party, with 23.8 percent of the votes and the Moderates as the third largest party with percentage of 16.5 percent.

The survey, conducted between August 30 to September 1, interviewed 1,511 people.

Mr Akesson has previously declared he won’t join a government coalition with any of the existing parties.

But even without entering the Cabinet, Mr Akesson’s party could become a centrepiece of the country’s political landscape if it gained almost a quarter of the seats in the Riksdag and put up a harsh opposition against the new government. 

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