Sweden PROTEST: Left-wingers clash with police at nationalist rally days before tense vote

SWEDISH left-wing protestors clashed with police officers during a rally of far-right wing party Alternative for Sweden as tensions escalate just days ahead of a general election.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Swedish election: Right-wing Sweden Democrats could succeed

Anger boiled over in furious scenes in Stockholm in the run-up to the vote, with violent confrontations being suppressed by police officers.

The latest clash took place earlier today in Kungstradgarden, one of the Swedish capital’s most famous parks.

Police intervened to avoid violence erupting as left-wing supporters organised a counter-manifestation to protest against the rally organised by Alternative for Sweden members.

Dramatic pictures show three police officers detaining a young man, while their colleagues push back other protestors in the attempt to avoid a collision. 

The protests come just two days before the country’s election, scheduled for September 9.

Latest polls see .

The final poll issued by YouGov signal an increase of almost 50 percent of the party’s support since the 2014 election, awarding the Sweden Democrats with 24.8 percent of the first preferences.

The survey, conducted between August 30 to September 1, interviewed 1,511 people. 

Sweden's police clashing with left-wing protestors at a Alternative for Sweden's rally

Sweden's police clashing with left-wing protestors at a Alternative for Sweden's rally (Image: REUTERS)

The Sweden Democrats are followed by Social Democrats as the second largest party, with 23.8 percent of the votes and the Moderates as the third largest party with percentage of 16.5 percent.

The rise of populism in Sweden has taken by surprise left-wing parties, which has historically detained a stronger presence in the Swedish parliament since 1917.

Mr Åkesson’s party has gained traction in 2015, when it campaigned against Sweden taking in 163,000 asylum seekers.

Despite being a country with record-levels of employment and a high quality of life, the Sweden Democrats have been able to attract supporters offering a “whole new agenda”, according to a political analyst. 

sweden election 2018 protests

Tensions in Sweden are rising just two days before the country's general election (Image: REUTERS)

Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Åkesson

Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Åkesson (Image: GETTY)

sweden election 2018 protests

olice push back left-wing protestors in the Kungstradgarden Park in Stockholm (Image: REUTERS)

Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Anders Todal Jenssen said: “With the new focus on anti-immigration policies, the Sweden Democrats have enriched the political landscape and created new dimensions since the last election.

“The party has entered Swedish politics with a whole new agenda and are stealing voters from both the Social Democrats and the Moderate party.”

As seats in the Swedish parliament are allocated through a proportional system favouring alliances, Mr Åkesson’s party could become a centrepiece of the country’s political landscape.

However, all mainstream parties have so far ruled out working with the nationalist group. 

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