'Entitled neighbour drives through my garden to park car – nothing stops him'

A man has taken to social media to seek advice after spotting his neighbour driving through his front garden to park his car - and it has ruined his grass.

The neighbour keeps driving through their garden to park their car (stock)

The neighbour keeps driving through their garden to park their car (stock) (Image: Getty)

A man has slammed his 'entitled' neighbour for driving through his garden every day to park his car after work. After trying to resolve the problem peacefully with no success, he has taken to social media to ask users for their advice on how to put a stop to things once and for all.

He explained how his neighbour has a habit of driving three feet into his garden to park up - tearing up his lawn in the process. He said on Reddit: "They have a double wide driveway with two cars and more than enough space to get in and out but they insist on driving over my lawn, leaving tire tracks and dead grass and mud."

He has asked them repeatedly to stop - but they take no notice of him. He added: "I put up some reflectors ~1ft in from their driveway to give them some leeway. They just drive over them." Seeking advice, he said: "Is there any recourse available or do I need to erect a more permanent physical barrier?"

Commenting on his post, one user said: "I think there's like these spike things you can put down. They'll probably only drive over them once. I would actually probably put in some kind of garden with a small fence that would damage tires, but not look too intentional. Like pokey finials or something."

Another user added: "Some folks down the street have a few really big quartz-type rocks in their lawn that would prevent this. No garden, just some big pretty rock along their driveway."

A third user said: "I’ve seen some dumb neighbours in this city but this one really takes the cake. Who the heck even does this? I’d set so many things up on my lawn to bust their tires and rip the underside of their car out, that they wouldn’t have a car to drive any more.

And one more user added: "If they are actually parked on the grass call and report to by law. They'll have someone out in a jiffy to ticket them as it is against the bylaws to park on grass."

Can you park on grass?

In the UK, parking on grass is generally discouraged and can be subject to local regulations and restrictions.

If the grass is part of public land (e.g., parks, verges, or public greens), parking may be restricted by local council regulations. In many cases, councils have bylaws that prohibit parking on grass to prevent damage and ensure the area remains accessible and pleasant for public use.

If the grass is on private property, the owner has the authority to permit or prohibit parking. However, causing damage to someone else's property can lead to civil disputes or legal ramifications.

Parking on grass is typically discouraged for safety and accessibility reasons. It might also block access for emergency services or maintenance vehicles.

What's more, there are environmental concerns that comes with it. Like this angry resident has pointed out, it can damage grass and other vegetation.

So to summarise, while it might not be universally illegal, it's often restricted or regulated, and it's advisable to avoid parking on grass to prevent potential legal, environmental, and safety issues. Always respect local regulations and consider alternative parking options.

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