RAF poised to launch airstrikes on Islamic State as Cameron says nothing is ruled out

DAVID Cameron has not ruled out seeking MPs' backing for the RAF to join coalition airstrikes against so-called Islamic State in Syria, the Government insisted yesterday.

David Cameron and Russian air strikes in SyriaGETTY/PA

David Cameron has not ruled out allowing the RAF to join air strikes against IS in Syria

But it admitted the Prime Minister must wait until there is "greater consensus". 

Britain was also focused on adding "momentum" to the hunt for a diplomatic solution to Syria's long-running civil war which is credited with spawning the bloodthirsty IS cult, also known as Isil or Isis. 

It came as Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn called for a rethink of the RAF's existing bombing of IS in Iraq. 

Mr Cameron has promised not to extend RAF raids on IS in Iraq to Syria - where British planes are currently restricted to intelligence and refuelling for coalition partners - without MPs' approval. 

He was previously expected to put the issue to the Commons by the end of the year. 

But yesterday he was said to have abandoned hope of any vote given Jeremy Corbyn's and many Labour MPs' opposition as well as deep scepticism on Tory benches that threatens Mr Cameron's 12-vote Commons majority. 

RAF Tornado GR4 jetsPA

Two RAF Tornado GR4 jets, similar to those expected to be deployed in Syria, perform a fly-past

The danger of losing on Syrian action for the second time in two years - in 2013 then Labour leader Ed Miliband sank a plan to attack Syrian regime forces for using chemical weapons - was underlined yesterday when the Foreign Affairs Committee warned against holding a vote without a clear plan both to end the Syrian civil war and defeat IS. 

The Conservative-dominated committee added that if the RAF joined coalition bombing over Syria it would make only a small difference on the ground but could compromise Britain's push for a diplomatic solution. 

Chancellor George Osborne denied during a visit to Germany that the Government had given up. 

"Our position is very clear. We take the fight to Isis wherever we can," Mr Osborne told the BBC. 

"But we are not going to go to the House of Commons unless we would be clear that we would win that vote and there would be a consensus for that action, and at the moment it's not clear that there is a majority for it. 

Jeremy CorbynGETTY

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has refused to give his backing for military intervention in Syria

"We continue to make the argument and when the time comes, we will put the vote to the Commons." 

Our position is very clear. We take the fight to Isis wherever we can

George Osborne

In London Mr Cameron's official spokeswoman said: "The position has not changed. 

"You can't put a timescale on the vote because that comes down to going back to the House when there is greater consensus across the Commons for that action. 

"The PM is clear that there is a case for doing more and he will keep working, and the UK Government will keep working with allies to look at what we can do to protect ourselves and others from the threat of Isil. 

"It is clearly for MPs that don't share those views to reflect on the threat from Isil and what we do to protect ourselves from it." 

Britain had always been clear a political solution was needed and with allies, was trying to inject more "momentum" into such efforts, which included last Friday's international talks in Vienna. 

Conservative MP Johnny Mercer, a veteran of the Afghan conflict, urged air strike supporters to "work harder" to make the case. 

He said it was "naive" to suggest military action had no part to play. 

George Osborne giving a speechGETTY

George Osborne has pledged to take the fight to IS 'wherever we can'

Labour leader Mr Corbyn meanwhile called for a rethink of bombing IS in Iraq, which the Commons overwhelmingly supported a year ago when Mr Miliband led the Opposition. 

Mr Corbyn told ITV News that RAF strikes seemed to be having little impact on IS: "I'm not sure how successful it has been because most of the action appears to have moved into Syria, so I think we have to look again at that decision." 

Britain will on Thursday send a new ship, civilian boat VOS Grace, to help rescue refugees fleeing Syria and other countries who get into trouble crossing the Mediterranean to Europe, International Development Secretary Justine Greening announced. 

Refugees crossing into Europe by boatGETTY

Britain has deployed a new ship to help refugees who get into trouble crossing the Mediterranean

Royal Marines, Border Force officers and a "small medical team" will be on board the emergency response and rescue vessel which will work with other EU ships and replaces two Border Force cutters which returned to the UK in September after a five-month deployment. 

On Monday the United Nations said 218,000 refugees last month alone crossed to Greece and Italy, nearly as many as in the whole of 2014. 

More than 3,000 have drowned or been declared missing this year but Ms Greening said UK ships had also saved more than 8,000 people to date.

The Syrian Crisis - The Facts

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