Britain sends troops east as Russian tensions grow over Syrian intervention

BRITISH troops are to be stationed in the Baltic states and Poland amid growing tensions with Russia.

British troops and a Syrian AirstrikeGETTY

British troops are being moved east as Britain responds to Russian intervention in Syria

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said yesterday around 100 personnel will join a “more persistent” Nato presence in eastern Europe. 

Mr Fallon, arriving in Brussels for a meeting of Nato defence ministers, said: “This is further reassurance for our allies on the eastern flank of Nato, for the Baltic states and for Poland... to respond to any further provocation and aggression. 

The troops, expected to be deployed in the coming months, will form part of a US and German-led training and “capacity-building” mission in Poland and the Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. 

Vladimir PutinGETTY

Russian president Vladimir Putin has been accused of bombing Syrian rebels instead of ISIL targets

Defence secretary Michael FallonGETTY

Defence secretary Michael Fallon criticised Putin's inflammatory intervention in Syria

The Kremlin issued a strong response, saying it would act to ensure “parity” if the UK sent troops there. 

[Russia is creating] a very serious situation... much more dangerous

Michael Fallon

Russia’s forceful intervention in Ukraine, backing fighters against the pro-European government, has fuelled deep anxiety among its neighbours. 

Nato is also alarmed by Russian president Vladimir Putin’s decision to order military strikes in Syria. 

The action is meant to hit Islamic State but it is believed Russia is largely targeting rebels fighting his ally, Syrian president Bashar Assad. 

Russian airstrikes in SyriaEPA

Russian military released screenshots of military strikes against supposed Islamic State targets

Mr Fallon said Russia was making “a very serious situation... much more dangerous”

Russia Airstrikes in Syria

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