Big diesel and petrol rip-off

BRITISH motorists are being ripped off by “profiteering” oil companies – and the Government.

PRICEY Oil firms and taxman cash in as prices soar PRICEY: Oil firms and taxman cash in as prices soar

Together they are making millions of pounds from the soaring price of petrol and diesel. [>


While drivers are struggling to meet the rocketing costs of filling their cars each week, BP and Shell are set to announce staggering profit increases of up to 45 per cent.




At the same time, the Government is raking in an extra £123million a month in VAT compared to this time last year from drivers stung by petrol and diesel increases. Drivers have now seen 15 consecutive days of record average prices on the forecourt and analysts warned that in the wake of the Grangemouth oil refinery strike the figures are likely to rise for a further six weeks. [>


Diesel users have been hardest hit as the pump price has soared way above that of unleaded petrol. [>


Last June, the average price of a litre of unleaded was 97p while a litre of diesel was barely any higher at 97.4p. By yesterday, unleaded had climbed to an average 109.77p a litre but diesel was 119.77p.





In some places, garages are charging 12 pence per litre more for diesel. [>


The continuing increase in wholesale crude oil costs is one reason for the hikes, combined with the strike at Scotland’s Grangemouth refinery. [>


AA head of public affairs Paul Watters said: “Diesel drivers are probably wondering why on earth they chose the diesel vehicle at the moment with the 10p differential and the higher purchase price. [>


“It is eye-watering. For some drivers it is a price that is very hard to cater for in family budgets and business budgets. Motorists at the end of this are victims of something completely out of their control.” [>


A diesel car costs on average £1,400 more than its petrol equivalent and it usually takes more than 45,000 miles before the savings from greater fuel efficiency recoup the extra cost. Now it will take much longer. [>


Last year diesel cars made up 40.2 per cent of the 2.4million new cars sold in Britain – up from just 13.8 per cent in 1999. [>


Brendan McLoughlin, of, said: “Both oil companies and the Government are doing very nicely out of this while the rest of the country is left out of pocket and, in some cases, out of fuel.” [>


TaxPayers’ Alliance campaign director Mark Wallace said: “The tax- man seems dedicated to making life a misery for people who are just struggling to make ends meet.” [>


Research by the AA found that from October 1 2007 to April 1 2008, drivers paid out an extra £282million in duty and VAT on petrol alone. [>


The UK now pays the most duty and VAT on fuel in Europe. [>


Liberal Democrat business spokeswoman Sarah Teather said: “Oil companies should not be profiteering while so many are struggling to make ends meet. We need to ask whether the price rises being passed on to consumers are proportionate.” [>


Ray Holloway, director of the Petrol Retailers’ Association, said: “The oil companies make obscene profits but to a degree they are in a privileged position by chance, and they just happen to have a commodity that the world wants to use in greater and greater quantity.” [>


Jill Grieve of the Countryside Alliance said: “The Government is increasing rural poverty while profiting by an extra £123million a month from the VAT on fuel.” [>


According to industry analyst Louise Doherty, the pain for drivers at the petrol pumps will continue for at least a further six weeks by which time the average price of a litre of unleaded could have hit £1.50, with diesel even more costly. [>


The AA is calling for a windfall tax to be imposed on the oil giants to make them invest in infrastructure improvements. Spokesman Luke Bosdet said: “The AA believes that a substantial amount of windfall profits should be re-invested in European refineries. That would improve supply and reduce prices, while cutting the chance of shortages.” [>


Crude oil prices hit a new record of $119.93 a barrel yesterday as Grangemouth workers entered their second day of strike action over a pensions dispute. [>


Shadow business secretary Alan Duncan warned: “As a result of this strike everyone is going to pay a higher price for their fuel bills.” [>

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