Yobs on mopeds deliberately crash into cars to cash in on insurance money

More than 4,000 people have been targeted by 'crash for cash' schemes in the past three years, analysis has shown.

Motorbikes Parked in a London Street

Drivers are being warned after a rise in 'crash for cash' scams by thugs on mopeds (Image: Getty)

An urgent warning has been issued after a rise in 'crash for cash' scams where moped drivers are deliberately crashing into motorists to make insurance claims.

More than 4,000 people have been targeted by fraudsters in the past three years, new analysis has shown. 

The Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB) and City of London Police's Insurance Fraud Enforcement Department (IFED) are investigating the scheme, as the scammers' tactics are "becoming increasingly aggressive". 

The bodies said people in London are being particularly targeted - but the fraudsters could strike in other parts of the UK where road users may be less aware of the issue.

Group of mopeds and motorbikes at a busy city intersection

The scammers' tactics are becoming increasingly aggressive, the IFB has warned (Image: Getty)

As part of the scam, victims are intimidated to try and get them to admit fault in a collision. 

Ursula Jallow, director of the IFB, said: "Thousands of people have been targeted, and these shameless scammers' tactics are becoming increasingly aggressive. 

"For instance, we've found women who are driving alone or with their children are being targeted more."

Detective chief inspector Tom Hill, of City of London Police's IFED, said: "Moped drivers are deliberately crashing into other vehicles with the purpose of gaining compensation from insurance companies.


Women who are driving alone or with their children are more likely to be targeted (Image: Getty)

"The value of the claims that can be lodged for repairs, personal injury and replacement vehicles makes this an incredibly lucrative opportunity for fraudsters."

He added: "If you witness or are involved in a collision and suspect it is crash for cash fraud, gather as much information as possible.

"This could be the make and model of the moped, its number plate or the clothing that the driver is wearing. These details could be invaluable in disproving a fraudulent claim.

"Report the incident as soon as possible to the Insurance Fraud Bureau's CheatLine."

In some recent cases, instead of making a claim, scammers try to pressure victims into handing over cash - with those considered to be vulnerable more likely to be targeted.

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