Schoolgirls 'banned from class and sent home in tears because skirts are too short'

Caldicot School in Monmouthshire, Wales, reportedly sent female students home in tears on Monday after they turned up in skirts that were too short for the new regulations.

Caldicot School in Monmouthshire came under fire

Caldicot School in Monmouthshire came under fire (Image: LDRS)

A South Wales school has reportedly sent several upset female students home over what they claim to be overly strict uniform rules.

Caldicot School in Monmouthshire came under fire after parents were informed that skirts must be "to the knee" long, and students violating this rule faced requests for their hemline lengths to be measured among other consequences. The acting head teacher, Alun Ebenezer, stood firm on his stance revealed through a letter to parents: "Students will not be allowed to walk around school if these guidelines are not followed."

One parent claimed that around 200 pupils were not permitted to attend classes last Monday, leading to tearful departures of both children and adults. Monmouthshire council mentioned that only female staff were handling all issues related to girls' uniforms.

However, an anonymous Year 9 student (14), sharing via the Local Democracy Reporting Service with her mother's consent, reported that a male teacher had asked to measure her skirt. She said: "I walked in and a teacher said to go to [male teacher] to get my skirt measured."

Instead of complying, she chose to join the other pupils sequestered in a room away from lessons. Ultimately, she was dismissed for wearing false eyelashes, according to Wales Online, reports the Mirror.

A general view of Caldicot School

A general view of Caldicot School (Image: LDRS)

Amile, a 13 year old pupil, was turned away at the school gates by staff who pointed out her eyelashes. She recounted: "When I got to school there were two teachers on the front door and they said: 'You've got eyelashes on' and they took me to a room and there were literally about 50 girls in that room."

Her mother, Natalie Kyne, expressed her frustration, saying: "They've got all these girls in isolation rooms, they are now calling them holding rooms, for them all to be sent home. It is unfair and targeting girls. It is beyond a joke. They don't even want to teach them."

A disgruntled father, preferring to remain anonymous, had to pick up his 15 year old son because of an untucked shirt, while his 13 year old daughter was also sent home over her skirt's length. He shared his concerns about the threat of exclusion due to what the school deems a uniform violation.

He further explained the situation with his older son, who is in year 10, stating: "They have a right to an education and the head also tried to tell me it was a health and safety risk. It's totally pathetic. They say they want them to look smart but they'll not have any smart kids if they do not get an education."

Kevin Price picked his daughter up from school in Caldicot due to a disagreement over the length of her skirt, saying as many as 200 pupils had been kept out of class. Children and parents were left distraught, he noted.

Insistent on understanding why his daughter was restricted access to education, Mr Price said: "I've told them emotional harm is being caused to children today and none of them have raised their voice against it."

This uniform criticism was echoed by Rachel Garrick, Labour councillor for Caldicot, who expressed worry that the strict measure on make-up, nails, and skirts seemed designed specifically to target girls. She added: "I always get concerned at a list of reasons to remove education from children that appears focused on gender. It feels very much like girls' bodies are being considered more than their right to an education."

Monmouthshire council's spokesperson noted: "We are aware that this morning Caldicot School staff have been more rigorous in implementing the school's uniform policy as published on the school's website. The acting head teacher wrote to all parents and carers last week setting out that this would be the case as of this morning."

Regarding the specific issue about skirt lengths, the spokesperson confirmed, "With regards to the specific question regarding the length of skirts in school; all matters relating to girls' uniforms are being dealt with by female members of staff."

The school experienced a strike action last year by teachers alleging their administration failed to address verbal and physical abuse directed at them.

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