POLL: Should homework for primary school children be scrapped?

Teacher stress could be reduced by banning written homework in primary schools according to TV presenter Kirstie Allsopp.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Teachers in England and Wales vote for strike action over pay

Thousands of across England and Wales are set to strike next month over pay. TV presenter has claimed that making homework for primary school children “reading only” may help relieve the pressure on teachers. So do you think homework should be scrapped? Vote in our poll.



Child doing homework and Kirsty Allsop

POLL: Should homework for primary school children be scrapped? (Image: Getty and Jeff Spicer/Getty)

The Location, Location, Location presenter said she “regrets” forcing her children to do their homework, writing on Twitter: “One of the greatest regrets of my life is that I didn’t do this for my kids. The tears, the time together lost, for many families homework causes real, daily unhappiness to no good end.”

She also wrote: “Question, real question - not a reason for abuse please. How much difference would it make to a teacher’s working day if the Gov said ‘from now on homework is reading only, no more written homework that needs marking etc?’”

READ MORE: Teachers vote for strike action that will close most schools

Teacher and columnist Jennifer Horgan also suggested that while homework is required for secondary school pupils, it is of no use for younger children. She told Seán Moncrieff on his radio show Moncrieff on Newstalk that the policy needs to change.

She explained: “I genuinely think it's just habit; we've always done it. We don't have any sort of definite evidence that there are clear benefits to homework. There is some research that will tell you that it helps children to build discipline and build independence. 

“I can think of many ways for my three kids that I can build their independence and their discipline... it doesn't involve them sitting down and having to do homework.”

So what do YOU think? Should homework for primary school children be scrapped? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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