Xi threatens to BLOW UP Elon Musk's Starlink satellites as China develops new systems

CHINA is reportedly developing plans for a new weapon that could knock Elon Musk's Starlink satellites out of the sky.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

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According to a recently published paper, China should develop a weapons system that would track and potentially destroy every Starlink satellite in orbit. However, it is unknown if China has the capability to accomplish such a feat.

Military planners have been looking into the feasibility of destroying the system if Beijing deems it to be a threat to its national security.

The paper states: "A combination of soft and hard kill methods should be adopted to make some Starlink satellites lose their functions and destroy the constellation's operating system."

Starlink is a satellite constellation system operated by SpaceX, which is owned by Mr Musk. It uses more than 2,400 - so far - low-earth orbit satellites that can provide highspeed internet anywhere on the planet.

The system has been praised for bringing internet to some of the world's most underdeveloped areas. 

China Elon Musk: A picture of Xi Jinping and Elon Musk.

A paper has urged China to develop weapons to destroy Elon Musk's Starlink satellites. (Image: GETTY)

China Elon Musk: A Chinese missile.

China may be looking to upgrade its satellite killing technology. (Image: GETTY)

Mr Musk aims to launch as many as 30,000 satellites in the next decade, blanketing the Earth with available internet. 

SpaceX, however, has also signed a contract with the US Department of Defense to use the Starlink platform for military purposes - something that China may see as a threat. This contract includes the development of instruments used to track hypersonic missiles - a weapon which China possesses and has tested in the past.

The paper also calls for new surveillance capabilities that would allow China to intercept data being transferred between Starlink satellites, potentially increasing Beijing's intelligence gathering abilities.

The paper was written by Ren Yuanzhen, a researcher with the Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications under the PLA's Strategic Support Force. Co-authors included several senior scientists in China's defence industry.

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China Elon Musk: A SpaceX rocket taking off.

SpaceX has launched around 2,400 Starlink satellites into orbit. (Image: GETTY)

China Elon Musk: A photo of Elon Musk.

Elon Musk has pioneered the Starlink system. (Image: GETTY)

Mr Yuanzhen believes that China needs to expand it cost-effective satellite killing capabilities in order to be able to destroy more targets efficiently. 

The paper states: "The Starlink constellation constitutes a decentralised system. The confrontation is not about individual satellites, but the whole system. 

"This requires some low-cost, high-efficiency measures."

China has already begun developing numerous anti-satellite technologies including microwaves which can jam satellites or burn their electronics as well as high-powered lasers which can blind them.

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China Satellite: SpaceX satellite in orbit.

A SpaceX satellite in orbit. (Image: GETTY)

They could also launch cyber attacks to attempt to hack into the satellites' communication network. 

China already possesses traditional kinetic missiles that can destroy a satellite while it is in orbit. 

In 2007, China tested a missile by destroying one of their own weather satellites, it was the first successful satellite intercept since 1985. 

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