What is a windfall tax? Government urged to impose one-off levy on oil and gas giants

OPPOSITION parties are urging the UK Government to issue a one-off windfall tax on oil and gas giants. But, what is a windfall tax?

By Katie Elliott, Senior Personal Finance Reporter based in London

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Political pressure has mounted in recent weeks, as leaders of opposition parties , , and the  have been urging the Government to issue a windfall tax on large energy corporations to support customers with their rocketing . Although Prime Minister has not ruled out the option, he’s also “not attracted” to it either. So what is this tax and what would it entail?

What is a windfall tax?

Formally introduced by Tony Blair’s Labour government in 1997, a windfall tax is a one-off tax imposed on companies deemed to have made unreasonably high profits; usually due to favourable market conditions.

These taxes are used as a way for governments to up their tax take in the year by increasing taxes on industries profiting from the unexpected ‘windfall’.

The tax has been justified with the idea that the companies in question have benefited from something that was not the result of their own work or investment - and at the expense of wider society - so the tax provides a way of redistributing the gains.

The Government has been urged to issue one on energy firms, due to the excessively high profits they’ve been making during this period.

READ MORE: Oil giants making profits from Russia's war, time we took some back

Tax the rich protest sign, shell garage

What is a windfall tax? Government urged to impose one-off levy on oil and gas giants (Image: GETTY)

Some reasons being attributed to the increase are that demand for oil and gas having increased from low levels seen during the pandemic, as well as supply chain concerns raised by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

While households face rocketing living costs compounded by soaring energy bills, a national insurance increase, and general inflation, the argument is a windfall tax could alleviate some financial pressure felt by the public.

Spain and Italy have already announced a windfall tax on energy companies.

However, it’s been argued that issuing such a tax would "undermine" the transition towards energy security.

A total of 31 companies in the UK’s offshore energy supply chain wrote to the Prime Minister urging against the calls for the additional levy, warning the industry is in the early stages of recovery after suffering significant losses in recent downturns.

Energy price cap mapped

Energy bills increased 54 percent for UK households in April, with predictions they'll only increase (Image: EXPRESS)

Speaking at the organisation's annual conference in Aberdeen on Tuesday, Deirdre Michie, Offshore Energies UK (OEUK) chief executive said: “Right now, the windfall tax debate is at the top of an agenda-driven by politics.

"It means we are facing the threat of punitive taxes and regulations, just at a time when the UK needs to focus on long-term issues like energy security and working for net-zero.

"Our belief is that stability in the way we are taxed and regulated is what allows us to promote investment, create jobs and generate taxes that can be used to help with the cost-of-living crisis, while at the same time, getting the balance right in terms of ensuring the nation's energy security."

Is it fair to call on the Government to issue the tax?

In the first three months of the year, BP’s underlying profit more than doubled to £4.8 billion - although this is said to have been cancelled out as a result of its decision to retract its investments in Russian oil firms.

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Cost of living protest in Birmingham

The Peoples Assembly staged protests against the spiraling cost of living (Image: GETTY)

During the same period, Shell’s profits nearly tripled, securing its biggest quarterly profit ever of £7.3 billion. Although similar to BP, pulling out of Russian oil investments had cost it £3.1 billion.

However, the companies have both spent billions on ‘share buybacks’ and also pay out relatively high dividends, which many would object that issuing the tax could negatively impact these investments.

Has a windfall tax been issued before?

The most well-known windfall tax issued in the UK was when Labour Chancellor Gordon Brown placed one in 1997 on companies formed after the Conservative governments’ earlier privatisation of nationalised industries.

The tax was predicted to have raised up to £5.2bn over two years according to the Institute of Fiscal studies.

Conservative Chancellor Geoffrey Howe issued a similar one-off levy on banks in 1981, arguing they had benefited from high-interest rates. This was expected to raise £400m (equivalent to around £3bn in today’s money).

Is the Government likely to issue a windfall tax?

Mr Johnson has previously said a windfall tax would deter investment, however, he has recently said “no option is off the table” if firms do not invest enough in new projects.

Although, Mr Johnson has said it is better for companies to invest the money into renewable energy rather than pay an extra tax.

Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said any decisions on a windfall tax on oil and gas firms were matters for Chancellor Rishi Sunak.

Mr Kwarteng said: "I've been very clear about a windfall tax. I don't think it supports investment, I don't think it's necessarily the right thing.

"But as I always say, that's up to the Chancellor. He sees the economy across the piece, he is responsible for fiscal policy.

"He is instinctively against a windfall tax but if he feels that these extraordinary times require extraordinary measures, that's up to him.”

However, Simon Clarke, chief secretary to the Treasury told Sky News the Government does recognise the "real challenge for households up and down the country" which is likely to worsen again in the autumn when the energy price cap rises again.

He said: "On the concept of a windfall tax itself, we are very very clear that there is a real need at a time when the industry is making very significant profits to see those profits reinvested in new offshore installations - getting more out of the North Sea, which is obviously vital in terms of energy supply but also good for jobs and the wider economy.

"If we do not see that investment materialise then we are very clear that all options are on the table."

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