Duke and Duchess of Cambridge admire stunning Royal Yacht Britannia model at museum visit

THE Duke and Duchess of Cambridge came face to face with a model of the Royal Yacht Britannia today before getting to grips with a cargo ship simulator.

By Samantha Masters , Content Editor

The Duke and Duchess of CambridgeGETTY/SPLASH

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge saw the Royal Yacht Britannia today at a museum

The model, which was decommissioned 20 years ago is just two days old at the Hamburg Maritime Museum.

In perfect timing, the stunning yacht was commissioned before anyone knew of the Duke and Duchess visiting the Hamburg on the final day of their Germany tour, giving the royal couple a fresh look at the masterpiece.

Upon visiting the iconic yacht, an astonished William described the model as "amazing".

He asked: “Is that Britannia?”, before adding “It’s beautiful – amazing.”

Christian Hinneborg, 30, grandson of the museum’s founder, showed the Duke the model who also informed him that the 1:96 scale model took three months to build.

Royal Yacht BritanniaGETTY

The yacht was decommissioned 20 years ago and is just two days old at the Hamburg Maritime Museum

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attend reception in Berlin

They did a wonderful job. He wanted to go at full speed, but we would have told him later on to stop the ship.

Hans Trey, Museum volunteer

William, who admitted not being too familiar with the Britannia after only visiting it a few times, then jokingly asked Christian if any mistakes had been made.

Christian replied: “I will have a careful look. I will get my magnifying glass out! But I’m not an expert. 

"My father, being a naval man, would know. And my grandmother would definitely spot anything. 

"But it is the most wonderful model.”

Kate and WillUK

Kate and Will had a go at being the captain in the cargo ship simulator

Despite having little knowledge of the yacht, William then told the museum expert that he was "passionate" about royal and state yachts and had a go at being the captain in the cargo ship simulator, which allows visitors to experience what it is like to navigate a ship into Hamburg harbour. 

A confident William took the wheel before joking: “Let’s see if I can hit that yacht!”

However his attempt at the big wheel was soon took over by his wife Kate, who also had a go at sounding the fog horn.

Volunteer Hans Trey, in charge of the simulator, told Kate: “You are the captain.”

Kate and Will GETTY

The royal couple also met a group of scientists working on a variety of ocean-related projects

After their visit, Mr Trey insisted he was impressed with the royal couple and their enthusiasm of the yacht.

He said: “They did a wonderful job. He wanted to go at full speed, but we would have told him later on to stop the ship. 

"He knew exactly how to steer – I didn’t have to tell him.”


The couple looked at the city from a terrace at the Elbphilharmonie concert with Mayor Olaf Scholz

The couple ended their day looking at a 6.9 metre long Lego model of the liner Queen Mary II, and met a group of scientists working on a variety of ocean-related projects, part of the UK-German Year of Science.

Tim Eder, a government official who told the couple about a schools project about plastic waste in the ocean, said: “They expressed their concern about single use plastic bags.”

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