Prince Harry and Meghan LIVE: Couple's 'unequal' relationship revealed

Meghan Markle has taken the lead with a "heavy hand" while Prince Harry is simply an "average English guy," a commentator claimed.

prince harry meghan markle mid shot invictus

Harry tends to disappear in the background while Meghan takes the lead, Krakue claimed (Image: Getty)

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have developed a rather unequal relationship, according to a royal expert.

Commentator Esther Krakue argued the Duke of Sussex has tended to "melt into the background" while the Duchess leads with a "heavy hand" whenever they are in public.

Speaking to Sky News Australia, Ms Krakue said: "You can definitely see a heavy hand by Meghan in a lot of the decisions they make. You see that in a lot of the way their engagements are done, she's really at the forefront and Harry's melting into the background. She leads as much in private as she does public.”

She cited the couple's recent visit to Nigeria as an example, noting Meghan appeared to seek the spotlight while the "very English" Harry stood back.

She added: "When they were in Nigeria it was very much Meghan centre-stage and you can understand why - she's an actress, she's had a lot of time around celebrities and polishing her media persona, she's headstrong and seems very confident. Harry's just this run-of-the-mill very average English guy."

Previously, royal biographer and expert Tom Quin told The Mirror that Meghan and Harry had an unequal relationship dynamic. He claimed: "No one has ever doubted that Harry and Meghan do not have an equal partnership - when Harry famously said, ‘what Meghan wants Meghan gets,’ he neatly summed up the situation."


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle brutally slapped down over shock 'world tour plans'

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been accused by a royal commentator of contradicting themselves regarding their possible future unofficial royal tours.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited Nigeria for three days in May, with the couple hinting at more tours in the future.

At the time, Harry told People magazine: "It is hugely important for us to meet directly with people, supporting our causes and listening, in order to bring about solutions, support and positive change."

He added: "There’s only so much one can do from home and over Zoom, so we look forward to travelling more because the work matters.

"Whether it's the Archewell Foundation, Invictus or any of our other causes, there will always be reasons to meet the people at the heart of our work."

But now a royal commentator based in Australia has blasted the couple's plans and called them out for "contradicting themselves", because they highlighted their need for privacy on several occasions.

Sky News Australia contributor Louise Roberts said: "In May, after their successful 'faux royal tour', Harry made the comment that they want to do more of this, so there's the people who were obsessed with their privacy, but a world tour of course is a direct contradiction to that."


Harry and Meghan

Roberts said there is a contradiction between their world tour ambitions and emphasis on privacy. (Image: Getty)

Prince Harry could respond to Thomas Markle's ongoing taunts in second bombshell memoir

Prince Harry may use a potential second memoir to explain why he and Meghan Markle no longer speak to her father, Thomas Markle. Thomas, who is fast approaching his 80th birthday, is no longer on speaking terms with his youngest daughter, Meghan.

The 79-year-old, who last spoke to Meghan in 2018, admits that the fact he has never met Harry also makes "no sense" to him.

Speaking on GB News, royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams said that we may find out more details of the estrangement in a potential follow-up memoir by the Duke of Sussex.

Mr Fitzwilliams said: "Before the engagement, it has never been explained why Harry has never met Thomas Markle.

"That is something that perhaps will be explained in a future memoir, but this is all very sad business."


Split of Harry and Thomas Markle

It's thought a second Harry memoir could address the Sussexes relationship with Thomas Markle. (Image: Getty / GBNews)

Prince Harry 'upset and emotional' at footage of Princess Kate and 'feels like outsider'

Prince Harry would have "loved" to have been invited to Trooping the Colour and felt "upset" when he saw footage of Princess Kate at the royal event, a source has claims.

The Duke of Sussex and his wife, Meghan Markle, missed out on an invite to the King's official birthday on June 15 for the second year in a row having stepped back as senior royals.

In what was just one of three recent humiliations, which included snubs from both his father and the Duke of Westminster, the event "hammered home" how Harry is now an "outsider", according to the source.

They told Closer magazine: "It was painful for Harry to see all his family gathered for Trooping the Colour.

"He would have dearly loved to have been there, if only to congratulate and support Kate in person on what must have been an incredibly difficult day for her."


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle branded 'increasingly irrelevant' as focus shifts

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been criticised over timings of their personal announcements as focus of Royal Family shifts.

Since stepping down as senior working royals, Harry and Meghan have been regularly accused of timing their own personal announcements to clash with significant events for the Royal Family.

Discussing the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, former royal correspondent Jennie Bond branded the pair as "increasingly irrelevant".

Bond told OK!: "I can't honestly imagine that they are sitting there scheming to make announcements on the same day as a royal event. Surely they are bigger than that?

"It's true that there have been some rather strange coincidences in the past about the timing of some of their announcements."


The country Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be forced to avoid on their 'world tour', expert

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are reportedly set to embark on an unofficial “world tour”, according to an expert - but they’ve been warned not to travel to Australia.

Royal reporter Louise Roberts told Sky News Australia’s Royal Report: “In May, after Nigeria, and that was a successful faux royal tour for them, let’s face it, Harry made the comment they want to do more of this.

“They can’t go where Charles and Camilla will go – they can’t go to Australia."

A visit to Australia may clash with King Charles and Queen Camilla’s upcoming plans to the country later this year in October.

King Charles was allegedly furious at the Sussexes’ recent Nigeria trip, as he saw this as an attempt to undermine the monarchy in the Commonwealth.

Despite this, the visit was a resounding PR success for the couple, who stepped down as working royals four years ago.

Meghan and Harry

The Sussexes have been warned not to stage visits countries the senior royals would go to. (Image: Getty)

Inside Meghan Markle's 'struggle' running £12m mansion with '9 bedrooms and 15 staff'

It takes a lot of work for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry to run their £12 million home in California with Prince Harry since the pair left the Royal Family, an expert has claimed.

The couple stepped down as senior working royals in 2020 and quickly moved into a stunning nine-bedroom house in Montecito, California on 5.4 acres of land.

The luxurious property features a library, office, spa, gym, game room, wine cellar, and playground in the impressive back garden perfect for Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet.

Other features in the garden include a tennis court, tea house, children’s cottage, pool, and five-car garage. This impressive list of amenities comes with a hefty price tag, reportedly costing hundreds of thousands a year in maintenance.


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The country Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be forced to avoid on their 'world tour'

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are reportedly set to embark on an unofficial “world tour”, according to an expert - but they’ve been warned not to travel to Australia.

Royal reporter Louise Roberts told Sky News Australia’s Royal Report: “In May, after Nigeria, and that was a successful faux royal tour for them, let’s face it, Harry made the comment they want to do more of this.

“They can’t go where Charles and Camilla will go – they can’t go to Australia."

A visit to Australia may clash with King Charles and Queen Camilla’s upcoming plans to the country later this year in October.


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Meghan Markle's father reveals six bombshells about Sussexes in heartbreaking interview

Meghan Markle's father Thomas Markle Senior has spoken out about his fears of never getting to meet his grandchildren Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet, as he approaches his 80th birthday.

The pair have not been on speaking terms for the past six years, after he was caught staging paparazzi photos days before her 2018 wedding to Prince Harry.

Mr Markle will celebrate his milestone birthday on July 18 this year but has admitted he does not expect to hear from Meghan, even though he still hangs onto the hope.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, the soon-to-be octogenarian lifted the lid on his regrets from the past and what he yearns for most in the future.

Here takes a look at the biggest bombshells from his interview and what Mr Markle would say if he could speak to the royals.


(Image: 7 News)

Meghan Markle's '£6k gift from Victoria Beckham' had 'zero effect'

Meghan Markle was once given over £6,000 worth of designer clothes from Victoria Beckham but it had little effect in boosting the sales of her brand, claimed royal author Tom Bower.

David and Victoria Beckham had long been friendly with Prince Harry and the rest of the royals, however over the last few years their relationship with the Sussexes seems to have soured.

In his new release House of Beckham, Mr Bower wrote: "Victoria agreed to provide a coat, dress, boots and a handbag worth £6,000 to Meghan for the Royal Family’s traditional Christmas Day parade in Sandringham.

"Later, Meghan wore a Beckham custom-made pregnancy outfit and a white coat and dress for a service in Westminster Abbey."


(Image: Getty)

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Meghan Markle finding 'it's all a little bit new to her' as she is thrust into spotlight

Meghan Markle is still getting used to the attention that comes with being a member of the Royal Family, which may explain some of her recent PR missteps, says one PR expert.

Prior to meeting Prince Harry, Meghan starred in the TV series Suits, which ran for seven seasons. While successful in her own right, starring in a recurring role, she was not a household name, but that all changed when she married into the Royal Family.


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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle dealt fresh blow in new Royal Family power ranking

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's names are on the move in the popularity rankings - with a decline in their power and popularity aspects.

The couple, also known as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, stepped down as senior working royals in 2020, but appear to still hold major "enormous power" as a pairing.

However, a new ranking - which analyses members of the Royal Family - said that the pair as individuals have declining power and popularity.

With the Princess of Wales's recent return to duty, The Daily Beast's Royal Power List shows that her and Prince William's popularity is still on the rise - with the same not being said for Meghan and Harry.


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Meghan Markle’s following plays a key role in her decision-making, explained

Meghan Markle’s fanbase is dangerously devoted to the Duchess, which may play a role in her latest PR mishaps. She knows they won’t ditch her, even if she does something deemed deliberately devious.

Meghan soft launched her lifestyle blog the same day as The Diana Award ceremony and released a new product the same day as Trooping the Colour, which prompts the question: wouldn’t she be concerned about looking bad?


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Meghan Markle's 'clumsy publicity stunt' blasted by critics

Meghan Markle has come under fire for another "clumsy" misstep, with some royal experts criticising her insensitive approach to publicity.

Nacho Figueras, a polo player and friend of Meghan and Prince Harry's, recently posted about her latest American Riviera Orchard release just before Trooping the Colour on June 15.

The Daily Mail's Richard Eden observed: "Meghan has done these publicity stunts where she's sent out goods and encouraged friends and influencers to post about it.

"But you never know when they're going to do it or what they'll say so it's completely out of your control."


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Prince Harry’s royal request that left Ricky Gervais ‘panicked’

Prince Harry once left Ricky Gervais stumped with a surprising request following one of his comedy shows. Ricky, who turns 63 today, met up with the Duke of Sussex after performing his Science stand-up show at the Hammersmith Apollo in 2010.

On his blog, the comedian wrote at the time: "Hammersmith was great... Had a drink after the show with Chris Martin and Prince Harry. As you do.

"Harry was trying to persuade me to come to Afghanistan to perform to the troops. I said I was too scared. He said I could do Basra, which was the safest place. Yeh, the safest place out of all the other places in a war zone... I take risks with my comedy, not my vital organs. I said I'd think about it.

"On the day of the gig he wound me up by sending me a text saying that he was bringing his gran. I was obviously a bit panicked. She would definitely not have enjoyed the show."


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Prince Harry's one major 'regret' over leaving UK unveiled by expert

Prince Harry has been living in the US for four years - but he has one pull over leaving behind his life in the UK, according to royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams.

The Duke of Sussex made the decision to step down as a working royal in January 2020, and eventually moved to the US later that year.

Despite being optimistic about his life in the US, Mr Fitzwilliams has said that Harry holds regret over missing major events such as Trooping the Colour - especially with his military past.

Speaking to The Sun, the expert said that Harry feels contrite about his UK exit - with Meghan Markle not sharing the same feelings as her husband.


(Image: Netflix)

Good morning

Good morning from London. I’m Aurora Bosotti, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.


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