‘What century is this!?’ Britons reject idea of swearing allegiance to King Charles

A majority of Express.co.uk readers will not be crying out in support of King Charles III during his Coronation this weekend, a new poll has found.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

GMB debate on 'pledge of allegiance to the King' for the coronation

The public will be invited to swear allegiance to and his heirs during the ceremony in one of several modern changes to the historic occasion.

However, a has found that some 52 percent of readers will not take part in the public pledge.

During the Westminster Abbey service led by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the public will be asked to cry out and swear allegiance to the King pledging: “I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law - so help me God.”

The replaces the traditional “homage of peers” and gives viewers an active role in the ceremony for the first time.

A spokesman for Lambeth Palace, the archbishop's office, said: “Our hope is at that point, when the Archbishop invites people to join in, that people wherever they are, if they're watching at home on their own, watching the telly, will say it out loud - this sense of a great cry around the nation and around the world of support for the King.”

READ MORE: Minister defends plan for public to pledge allegiance to King

King Charles III

Some 52 percent of readers will not take part in the public oath (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 2.20pm on Monday, May 1, to 12.30pm on Tuesday, May 2, : “Will you swear allegiance to ?”

Overall, 7,581 votes were cast with the majority of readers, 52 percent (3,940 people) answering “no” compared to 46 percent (3,459 people) who said “yes” they will. A further two percent (182 people) answered “other”.

Hundreds of comments were left below the accompanying article as .

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Stages of King Charles III Coronation service

The public will be invited to swear allegiance to King Charles III during the Coronation ceremony (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Many readers commented that they would not be pledging their allegiance to the , with username MalcolmAngus writing: “Absolutely no chance.”

Another, username Garry s lot said: “No chance, not for me.”

And username ProudofGB remarked: “It’s a definite no, never, from me!”

Meanwhile, username PaulLeegan wrote: "Can't be bothered with it all but I'll certainly be swearing at them for their gross wealth whilst the majority of the population can't afford to eat or heat their homes."

And username Patricia2 wrote: "What century are these people living in?"

However, other readers said they would swear allegiance to the King. Username 230408 said: “I will and proud to.”

While username Coney61 wrote: “Yes, of course.”

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