Queen deserves ‘prominent’ memorial to mark extraordinary reign — YOU voted

It is common practice for statues of members of the Royal Family to be installed after their death.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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Queen Elizabeth II should be honoured in statue form, but not in Trafalgar Square, a new poll of Express.co.uk readers has found. Ministers are due to hold talks with royal officials in the coming weeks over installing a permanent memorial to the Queen, who died aged 96 as Britain’s longest reigning monarch on September 8.

Downing Street sources told The Times that following the Queen’s state funeral, discussions would take place to decide how the country would “permanently mark” the Queen’s life of service.

Former mayor of London Ken Livingstone, said in 2013: “The understanding is that the Fourth Plinth is being reserved for Queen Elizabeth II.”

The Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square, has become recognised as a display space to exhibit contemporary art in the capital.

Since 1999, thirteen artists have exhibited sculptures on the plinth as part of a scheme with the RSA and Cass Sculpture Foundation.

Queen Elizabeth II and Fourth Plinth

Queen Elizabeth II should be honoured in statue form, according to Express.co.uk readers (Image: Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty and AFP/Getty)

In a poll that ran from 5pm on Monday, September 19, to 1pm on Thursday, September 22, Express.co.uk asked readers: “Should a statue of the Queen be installed on Trafalgar Square's Fourth Plinth?”

In total, 7,944 readers responded with the overall response being “yes”, gaining 92 percent (7,289 people) of votes.

Meanwhile, six percent (506 people) said “no” a statue of the Queen should not be installed on the Fourth Plinth, and a further two percent (149 people) said they did not know.

In the dozens of comments left below the accompanying article, there was clear support for Her Majesty to have a commemorative statue.

Fourth Plinth with ice cream and drone

The Fourth Plinth exhibits contemporary art (Image: Mike Kemp/Getty)

Username Mr. M said: “Not sure of a location, but yes most definitely – should be all over the country.”

Username s0crat3s wrote: “One million percent it should.”

While username euhell said: “It was left empty for Her Majesty.”

Many readers were in favour of a statue but did not think the Fourth Plinth was the right location.

King George VI and the Queen Mother statue

King George VI and the Queen Mother are commemorated on The Mall (Image: Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty)

Username Libbyloo said: “No, wrong place. But a fitting memorial, yes.”

Username Nothing can last forever said: “A statue yes, Trafalgar Square no.”

Another, username indasan, said: “No not Trafalgar Square –the queen below Nelson!? A statue next to her mother and father to start with until we can decide on something more gracious and appropriate.”

And username BlondieGirl wrote: “That location isn't prominent enough. Longest reigning monarch? We need to find somewhere better!”


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Queen life in pictures

The Queen was Britain's longest-reigning monarch (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

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But what happens next? Find out HERE.

While username MrsKitty53 said: “I think there should be a statue in one of the London parks and perhaps a temporary one of a large handbag on the fourth plinth.”

Yet some politicians also believe the Fourth Plinth is “not sufficiently prominent”.

David Jones, the Conservative MP for Clwyd West said: “Given Her Majesty was so sensitive to the constitution and the monarch’s relationship with parliament, a statute there would be a fitting tribute.

He added that it was important for there to be a “national debate” on the issue and predicted her reign would be marked in several ways like Queen Victoria’s was.

Scandinavian artist Michael Elmgreen, whose piece with Ingar Dragset boy on a rocking horse was installed on the Fourth Plinth in 2012, was critical of the idea.

He told The Art Newspaper: “Through many of the amazing artistic contributions over the years I think the Fourth Plinth has become The People's Plinth and [is] no longer a suitable site for celebrating members of the royal family.”

He added: “It would also be a devaluation of Queen Elizabeth's popularity to place a statue of her next to the very unpopular King George lV [on the north-east corner plinth]. 

“And can you imagine her on a plinth that has already hosted sculptures depicting an ice cream and drone, a huge cartoon thumb, a blue cock and a boy on a rocking horse? There must be a better location.”

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