Prince Harry wins first round of High Court libel battle in latest in security saga

A HIGH COURT judge has ruled that an article about Prince Harry's legal claim against the Home Office was defamatory.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Prince Harry and Meghan arrive at the Service of Thanksgiving

The Duke of Sussex sued Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) after the paper ran a story following a hearing in the Duke's separate High Court claim over his security arrangements when he is in the UK.

The piece was published in February under the headline: "Exclusive: How Prince Harry tried to keep his legal fight with the government over police bodyguards a secret... then - just minutes after the story broke - his PR machine tried to put a positive spin on the dispute."

At the hearing in June, Justice Nicklin asked to determine the "natural and ordinary" meaning of the parts of the  Mail on Sunday article in the claim, and whether they were defamatory.

Lawyers for the Prince argued that the article meant that Harry had "lied", had "improperly and cynically" tried to manipulate public opinion and had "tried to keep his legal fight with Government secret from the public" and, therefore, the article was defamatory.

Justin Rushbrooke QC, for Harry, said: "Allegations that a person has lied to the public, manipulated the public and attempted to keep secret which ought properly to be public are serious ones which tend to lower him in the eyes of right-thinking people."

ANL's Lawyers argued that the article was not defamatory.

Prince Harry.

Prince Harry has won the first stage of his legal battle against the Mail on Sunday. (Image: GETTY)

Andrew Caldecott QC, for ANL, said: "The article does allege that the claimant's PR team spun the story, or added a gloss unduly favourable to the claimant, which led to inaccurate reporting and confusion about the nature of the claim.

"It does not allege dishonesty against them."

Following the arguments, Justice Nicklin found pin a ruling on Friday that parts of the article in the claim were defamatory.

Discussing one of the meanings of the article, Justice Nicklin said: "[A reader would think Harry] was responsible for public statements, issued on his behalf, which claimed that he was willing to pay for police protection in the UK, and that his legal challenge was to the Government's refusal to permit him to do so, whereas the true position, as revealed in documents filed in the legal proceedings, was that he had only made the offer to pay after the proceedings had commenced."

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Prince Harry

Justice Nicklin found, in a ruling on Friday, that parts of the article in the claim were defamatory (Image: GETTY)

He said that the article would be read as alleging that Prince Harry "was responsible for trying to mislead and confuse the public as to the true position" and said this was "ironic given that he now held a public role in tackling 'misinformation'".

Justice Nicklin found that very much of article's "object was to mislead the public".

He said: "It may be possible to 'spin' facts in a way that does not mislead, but the allegation being made in the article was very much that the object was to mislead the public.

"That supplies the necessary element to make the meanings defamatory at common law."

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Prince Harry

The ruling is the latest win for the Prince in the courts. (Image: GETTY)

The senior judge also found that the article did not suggest that Prince Harry "was was seeking to keep his 'legal battle' with the Government secret", though if the headline was read alone it would suggest this.

He said: "Read as a whole, the article was quite clear that he was seeking certain confidentiality restrictions in relation to 'documents and witness statements' in the proceedings, not blanket secrecy on the whole claim."

He found that an ordinary reader would have understood the article to mean that the Duke of Sussex "had initially sought confidentiality restrictions that were far-reaching and unjustifiably wide and were rightly challenged by the Home Office".

Friday's judgment only relates to the "objective meaning" of the article, Mr Justice Nicklin said, adding it is the first stage in the libel claim.

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