Queen gives green light for Buckingham Palace to investigate claims Meghan bullied staff

THE Queen has authorised Buckingham Palace to investigate allegations that the Duchess of Sussex bullied staff and nothing was done about it.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Meghan Markle: Royal commentator discusses ‘bullying’ allegations

Senior palace aides ordered the probe after workers came forward with documentary evidence that showed complaints were made but - they said - nothing was done about them. The allegations were first reported in The Times. The palace said in a statement: "We are clearly very concerned about allegations following claims made by former staff of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. "Accordingly our HR team will look into the circumstances outlined in the article.

"Members of staff involved at the time, including those who have left the household, will be invited to participate to see if lessons can be learned.

”The Royal Household has had a Dignity at Work policy in place for a number of years and does not and will not tolerate bullying or harassment in the workplace." The workers and ex-employees will be invited - not forced - to give evidence in confidence.

It is understood the outcome, if it involves any change in household policy, will be shared in the palace's annual Sovereign Grant report.

The accusations have blown a hole in the Queen's efforts to end a family rift over the Sussexes.

Some senior aides who worked for Harry, 36, and Meghan, 39, had hoped to give evidence in a High Court case between her and the Mail On Sunday to shed light on what happened.

But the paper's motion to appeal Meghan's privacy claim victory was blocked by a judge on Tuesday.


Harry and Meghan during their interview with Oprah (Image: YouTube)

A group of former aides then decided to make their concerns known by other means. They alleged that Meghan's bullying was swept under the carpet in a forlorn attempt to keep her happy. 

Meanwhile the Sussexes are claiming that Buckingham Palace is trying to smear them ahead of their interview with Oprah Winfrey, set to be screened by ITV on Monday evening.

As the factions dug in, insiders - who wish to stay anonymous as they still work for the royals - claimed working for Harry and Meghan was an ordeal.

One told this paper: "They were an absolute nightmare to work for. Every time they did any engagements there would be all sorts of calls afterwards. Why had that been done, why hadn't that been done? They were really unpleasant." 

Another alleged the Sussexes' former private secretary Samantha Cohen had been turned into an exhausted, emotional wreck by the job - and having to apologise for their behaviour.


Buckingham Palace allegedly ignored bullying claims to keep Meghan happy (Image: Getty)

When Harry and Meghan, who is expecting their second child, quit for California last year Samantha is reported to have said: "I'm just so tired." The Queen and her advisers are said to be dismayed that such a damaging account of treatment of staff is being made public.

They are embarrassed to be accused of inaction - and fearful it emphasises the rift between Harry and his brother William, 38.

The Royal Household was forced to act after it emerged employee Jason Knauf made a bullying complaint in October 2018 in an attempt to force managers to protect staff. 

He was communications secretary for William, Kate, 39, Harry and Meghan at the time. In a letter leaked to The Times, which blocked out the names, Jason wrote: "I am very concerned that the Duchess [of Sussex] was able to bully two PAs out of the household in the past year. The treatment of X was totally unacceptable.

"The Duchess seems intent on always having someone in her sights. She is bullying Y and seeking to undermine her confidence. We have had report after report from people who have witnessed unacceptable behaviour towards Y." Jason moved to a new job soon after making his allegations and is now a close aide to William.


Jason Knauf made a complaint in 2018 (Image: PA)

Royal insiders said William must have been warned that the revelations would be coming out.

There was concern about how the Cambridges and Sussexes could continue to campaign against bullying - of young people online, of footballers, and others - while apparently unable or unwilling to address it inside their own family.

Penny Junor, a distinguished royal biographer, said of the row: "It's such a mess. It undermines a lot of who they say they are - and what they say they stand for."

She was less sure whether it would damage Harry and Meghan's efforts to build their brand in the US.

This Sunday evening, the couple's tell-all interview, Oprah With Meghan And Harry: A CBS Primetime Special, will be shown in America. In the UK it is being broadcast at 9pm on Monday by ITV.

Last night the Sussexes were standing their ground.

Their spokesman said: "Let's just call this what it is - a calculated smear campaign based on misleading and harmful information. "The Duchess is saddened by this latest attack on her character, particularly as someone who has been the target of bullying herself, and is deeply committed to supporting those who have experienced pain trauma.

"She is determined to continue her work building compassion around the and will keep striving to set an example for doing what is right and doing what is good."

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